Path-finding does not work on larger rigs

Currently Roblox has a pretty good path-finding system for NPCs to utilise. Unlucky for people like me, the pathfinding system does not work for larger rigs. By larger rigs I mean any other sort of character that can be controlled by a humanoid.

This bug occurs all of the time and it stops a lot of potential from different types of NPCs being used.

One other thing, if it is possible, can the navigation path be effected by walk speed so that the NPCs don’t stop if they think the gap is too large but due to their walkspeed, can cross?

Can you elaborate on “does not work”? For instance, do NPCs try to pathfind through doors they’re too big to fit through?

“Anything besides the default character” isn’t very specific.

This is not a bug, but instead intentionally unimplemented functionality for the time being. You should move this to feature requests and list out all the use cases you have for different sized rigs and the various paths they should or not use when moving throughout the level.

What i mean is I’ve created a larger version of a normal character but it’s not able to follow a navigation path.
Enum.PathStatus.Success always returns false because the BIGGER version of the normal character doesn’t think there is a path. This means that the path isn’t created which is my problem.

PathfindingService does not use humanoids or character models. Changing character size will never affect whether a path fails/succeeds because PathfindingService doesn’t know what the character’s size is. If your pathing is failing for your larger character, then you’re doing something wrong on your end. You should post a thread in Scripting Support and attach a repro if you can’t figure out where you’re messing up.

Here’s the repro, in the file are two character models. One is the big character and the other is the scaled down version of the character. They have the exact same script pasted into them both so I know that it’s something to do with the size. The smaller one will move to your character while the other bigger version wont.
Repro.rbxmx (195.0 KB)

to make it work just insert a team called Survivor

The larger humanoid doesn’t work because you’re giving it a bad starting height. The larger santa is constantly trying to go downwards so its Y position can match the target’s position. You should be pathing between the feet of the source and target, and not their rootParts (@UristMcSparks may be nice to note this on the Wiki).

repro.rbxl (31.0 KB)

Instead of worrying about calculating the characters’ heights, I just set startHeight = finishHeight to demonstrate that this was in fact the problem. In a real game you’d want to pathfind from the feet instead of taking this shortcut or else you’ll run into accuracy problems.


This makes a lot more sense now, thanks for the help!

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