My game have a slightly rotated cylinder pillar that the npc can clearly walk up it, but the path finding service refuse to lead it’s path up that pillar, the pcall error message says: “nil”
Can someone help me on this? I just need the npc to walk up that cylinder pillar.
Sorry since I’m still quite new to path findings in Roblox so I don’t really have tried much to fix this because I don’t know what to do.
Try adding 2 invisible parts for the Npc to pathfind to. The first being infront of the clyinder, the angle the NPC should climb up it, and the other being the second point, Use Humanoid:MoveToPoint() to that other invisible part
Just do a check if the player is above that cylinder using raycasting or position checks (I recommend precise position checks as a player can have their middle not on the clyinder but stand on it still.
I usually don’t use ROBLOX pathfinding and use other modules such as SimplePath which can fix this issue but other than using ROBLOX pathfinding… maybe you can wait for the update of PathfindingLinks because I think they might fix this issue by adding many of them to help the pathfinding, its like nodes but I don’t think they work yet
(i don’t know if pathfindingLinks function like this)