Basically what does title said, is it possible to make path to a terrain like water? If so, how?
No I dont think so since Pathfinding requires a vector3 value in which terrains dont have(if thats what you mean)
Is it possible using Region3 or Something?
No? What are you trying to do anyways?
Im trying to make NPC move to nearest Terrain Water.
Thats not possible I think. However what I can suggest you is place a invisible parts in the water areas then make the npc move to it.
Why don’t you just place a part over where you want them to go, and use path finding service to get there?
It’s possible actually, I just cant bothered to create a thread, but I’ll make an open source topic on it.
i’m making an advanced A.I, but ok anyway thanks
Depends, what do you want the A.I. to do? How does it function? I can tell you a proper solution if I know what you’re trying to accomplish.
Well, It’s kinda animal A.I with thirsty bar and hunger bar. sometimes walk around,
if the A.I is thirsty then it would find nearest water to fill up the thirsty bar, also
if its hungry then it’ll go find some foods.
I think you should use an invisible part like others said.And use the magnitude command to find the closest distance.
You could possibly use region3 to find water and create a part in ALL the waters in the game then use mag distance to find nearest part, after completion remove the parts to combat lag.
P:S: Make a custom folder!
Your welcome for the solution.
Honestly, I’m just wondering on why placing an invisible part with CanCollide turned off is a bother.
Does make sense, but i’m kinda new to Region3
, so how do i get water from Region3 and creating parts in it?
I found a post that has some suggestions that can give you an idea of what to use. The use cases are different but it’s the same premise.