Its my first time posting on the DevForum so bear with me here.
You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to try and find a solution to my problem, or receive some potential help in figuring out why it happens. -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
The enemies in my game randomly stop following the player. I’ve revised the code many times to try and find a reason why they would act this way but to no avail.
How they’re supposed to act
How they’re acting
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I’ve tried to “fix” as many things that could cause their AIs to break, but it still happens. I did look nonstop for posts regarding a similar problem as mine but it seems like it’s something that nobody has posted about yet.
One thing I’ve noticed is that this seems to happen randomly. It started happening this Friday after a Roblox update, affecting both the Development and Main branches of my game. I noticed that whatever this issue is, it seems to be somewhat related to pathfinding generation since I use a system where the enemy attacks whoever he’s following; this means the enemy can get the closest player but doesn’t walk up to them.
Another thing that has happened is that the enemies seemingly started walking to random spots on the maps (I don’t have footage of this since I’ve only seen it happen once or twice) and either stayed there or went back to following the closest player.
Here’s the AI code for everyone interested in helping.
--// NPC Variables
local NPC = script.Parent
local hum = NPC.Humanoid
local hrp = NPC.HumanoidRootPart
local CurrentTarget = NPC.CurrentTarget
--// Services
local PFS = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local RunS = game:GetService("RunService")
--// Other Variables
local Lim = math.huge
local PathPoints = nil
--// Functions
local Raycast = require(game.ServerScriptService.ModuleScripts.CustomRaycast)
function findNearestTorso(pos)
local list = game.Players:GetPlayers()
local torso = nil
local dist = Lim
for i,who in pairs(list) do
if who.Character then
local whochar = who.Character
if whochar and whochar:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and whochar:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
local whohrp = whochar.HumanoidRootPart
local whohum = whochar.Humanoid
if whohum.Health > 0 then
if (whohrp.Position - pos).Magnitude <= dist then
torso = whohrp
dist = (whohrp.Position - pos).magnitude
return torso
function UpdateCT(who)
if who ~= CurrentTarget.Value then
CurrentTarget.Value = who
--// Path Setup
local PathSettings = {
AgentRadius = 3 * NPC:GetScale(),
AgentHeight = 6 * NPC:GetScale(),
AgentCanJump = true,
WaypointSpacing = math.sqrt(hum.WalkSpeed),
--// Run
while task.wait(0.1) do
local whohrp = findNearestTorso(hrp.Position)
if whohrp and whohrp.Parent and whohrp.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
local who = whohrp.Parent
local whohum : Humanoid = who.Humanoid
local PathSetup : Path = PFS:CreatePath(PathSettings)
local res1 = pcall(function()
PathSetup:ComputeAsync(hrp.Position, whohrp.Position)
if res1 then
local res2 = pcall(function()
PathPoints = PathSetup:GetWaypoints()
if res2 then
if PathPoints and PathSetup.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success and PathPoints[math.min(3, #PathPoints)] then
if PathPoints[math.min(3, #PathPoints)].Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then
hum.Jump = true
hum:MoveTo(PathPoints[math.min(3, #PathPoints)].Position)
Note: this code used to be cleaner but I just wanted to try everything possible to fix this.