Pathfinding - Computing to Path not working

local module = {}

-- //Services
local PathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")

-- //Folders
local NPCs = workspace:WaitForChild("NPCs")

local PathfindingFolder = workspace:WaitForChild("Pathfinding")
local StationFolder = PathfindingFolder:FindFirstChild("Stations")
local WaypointFolder = PathfindingFolder:FindFirstChild("Waypoints")
local BlockedParts = PathfindingFolder:FindFirstChild("BlockedParts")

local Values = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Values")

-- //Variables
local ComputeAsync

-- //PathfindingService
local Path = PathfindingService:CreatePath({
	AgentRadius = 4,
	AgentHeight = 5,
	AgentCanJump = true,
	AgentCanClimb = true,
	WaypointsSpacing = 5,
	Costs = {
		Block = math.huge,


-- //Tables
local WaypointIndex = {}

-- //StringValues
local Ticket = Values:FindFirstChild("Ticket")
local Station = Values:FindFirstChild("Station")
local Train = Values:FindFirstChild("Train")

function module:Pathfinding(player, character, Rig)
	-- //Humanoid
	local RigHumanoid = Rig:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

	-- //for loop WaypointFolder
	for _, Part in ipairs(WaypointFolder:GetChildren()) do
		local GetWaypoint = Path:GetWaypoints(Part)

		WaypointIndex[Part.Name] = Part.Position


		local success, errorMessage = pcall(function(...)

			ComputeAsync = Path:ComputeAsync(Rig.PrimaryPart.Position, WaypointIndex[Part.Name])	


		-- //check
		if success and Path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
			warn("No Path found for:", Rig.Name)

		-- //




return module

I get no errors, issue is the rig doesnt walk around the part It just walks into it? ive just taught myself about pathfinding 2 days ago and this is the most i know.

That blue part, the rig walking to has a PathModifier - Label: Block [this is in my costs table for the PathfindingService:CreatePath()]. Just doesnt seem to work, am i missing something?

EDIT: changed some stuff. still no solution.

Why are you parsing in a path variable into ComputeAsync

You don’t seem to actually set that path variable anywhere

no that was to test my errorMessage dont mind that imma change it - its original was my “Position” variable

for some reason when the path is blocked even without a modifier it reads as no path - idk what is going on.