Pathfinding does not allow NPC to climb up ladder, regardless of AgentRadius

I’ve been noticing recently that my NPC does not want to go up some ladders, even though they are not blocked. I have AgentCanClimb turned on. I enabled the nav mesh and began looking at the affected ladders, but saw nothing out of the ordinary, there was enough space - based on my AgentRadius - to climb.

I tried messing with AgentRadius and AgentHeight, moving the truss, and ensuring the nav mesh is generated at the top and bottom of the truss, but to no avail. I noticed that there’s no space on the sides, but there’s more than enough space in the front of it, which should allow it to climb.

The problem is players can climb up the ladder, but not the NPC.

Here’s a visual representation of my issue. As you can see, it appears climbable.

Here’s the repro place:
PathfindingLadderRepro.rbxl (77.2 KB)
I included the pathfinding as well, just press run. It should output whether the path was successful or not.

Expected behavior

I should expect the NPC to climb up the ladder, knowing the navigation mesh is correct and it has enough space based on the AgentRadius.

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