So I’m making a pathfinding module for a ai car but when I’m trying to generate Waypoints it acts weird I have no idea if i overlooked something or its roblox because every time I run this the path isn’t success no matter what.
function Pathfinding:CreatePath(startPosition, targetPosition)
local agent_Params = {
AgentRadius = 2.0 ; --(The Radius Of The Object(Half Its width))
AgentHeight = 5.0 ;--(The Height Of The Object)
AgentWalkableClimb = 2.0 ;--(Whether or not it can climb)
AgentCanJump = false --(Whether or not it allows jumps)
local path = PathfindingService:CreatePath(agent_Params)
path:ComputeAsync(startPosition, targetPosition)
print("Path Status: " .. path.Status.Name)
if path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
print("Path completed successfully!")
return path:GetWaypoints()
warn("status: " .. path.Status.Name)
return nil