Pathfinding NPC not turning to destination upon walking?

I have been trying to make a Robot with armour that walks from one point to another using pathfinder plugins. But the robot walks the orientation it originally was set. I know it isn’t the pathfinding script/plugin because I tried it with a character without the armour.

The armour uses WeldContraints (Which is welded to the robots specific limbs.). I have tried looking at any information on the web but nothing I can find. (Or maybe I didn’t see it :eyes: )

(Excuse the jumpy video. And the moving robot is the thing that this thread is about.)

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Cant you just manipulate it with something:, facePos)

Ill try that.

EDIT: Didn’t Work.

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Check to see if the Humanoid’s AutoRotate property is set to true. Also make sure all of the armour has the Massless property set to true so they don’t affect the character.

Thank you so much it worked. I do not know why was AutoRotate disabled. Thanks!

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