Pathfinding NPC unable to enter specific areas

Hello everyone, I’m currently making a tycoon with a npc system similar to those of mall tycoon but I’m having some issues. For those who don’t know the npc system is supposed to enter a store, buy something and then leave, it’s made purely for aesthetics. For that purpose I made a simple pathfinding system and it works great but when I use it to enable the npc to navigate through stores it keeps on slamming into walls. I tried using a pathfinding module called SimplePath however, the results remain same. Bellow would be videos screenshots of the results. Any help would be appreciated.

Regular Pathfinding( going into random places ):

Going into stores :

The code :

function NPCModule.Manuever(npc, location)
	local startLocation = npc.HumanoidRootPart.Position
	local ended = false
	local path = PS:CreatePath({
		WaypointSpacing = 1,
	path:ComputeAsync(startLocation, location)	
	for i=1, #path:GetWaypoints(), 1 do
		local point ="Part", workspace)
		point.Position = path:GetWaypoints()[i].Position
		point.Anchored = true
		point.Size =,3,3)
		point.CanCollide = false
	ended = true

Edit : The NPC cannot jump, if that’s what breaking it I’m happy to add a jump ability to it

So after the MoveTo do a check to see if the move was successful, by that I mean the npc new position is the current point position, and if not print something and perhaps do a new path creation for the previous successful move position.
I believe path finding does assume player or npc to be able to jump.