Pathfinding spamming "NoPath" despite clear path

Hello, I’m currently working on an horror game I made a while ago, but I gave up because of some errors.

Just for fun, i’m trying to see if I can fix the errors. Right now I have a function which moves the character to different locations when idling. These locations are passed as a parameter “location” but for some reason it spams “Enum.PathStatus.NoPath”

function moveMonster(location)
	local path = PathfindingService:CreatePath({
		AgentRadius = 2, -- Adjust based on the monster's size
		AgentHeight = 5, -- Adjust based on the monster's size
		AgentCanJump = true, -- Change if the monster cannot jump
		AgentJumpHeight = 7, -- Adjust based on monster's jump capabilities
		AgentMaxSlope = 45 -- Adjust based on terrain

	path:ComputeAsync(monsterRoot.Position, location)

	if path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
		local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
		if #waypoints > 0 then
			local firstWaypoint = waypoints[1]

			-- Move to the first waypoint
		warn("pathfinding couldnt complete.") -- always prints this
          print(tostring(location) .. " wasnt computable with " .. tostring( monsterRoot.Position))
		return nil

My output looks like this:

pathfinding couldnt complete.
-147.2730712890625, 4.983977317810059, 163.16082763671875 wasnt computable with -120.101806640625, 3, 128.22506713867188
pathfinding couldnt complete.
-147.2730712890625, 4.983977317810059, 163.16082763671875 wasnt computable with -120.101806640625, 3, 128.22506713867188 

as mentioned I’m not sure why it keeps saying “No Path” because those locations seem achievable. Also my character seems to be able to walk normally as seen in my chase script:

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I don’t believe AgentMaxSlope is a valid setting for PathFinding. This should be set in the Humanoid.