Pathfinding Stuttering Animation Bug

PC Info: Windows 11 Pro, 22H2
Date First Experienced: This bug started happening years ago when pathfinding first became a thing(lack of documentation for pathfinding)
Date Last Experienced: 12/9/23

Reproduction Step:

1.Open up Roblox Studio and use a pathfinding npc with roblox’s default animation script and only remove the setup chat hooks

You will see the NPC stutters as if he is having a seizure because of two overlapping animations/poses in the animation script

To fix the bug the steps are found in the video and the fixed script I have the exact script used in the video and it has the same lines of instruction inside of it

Here is a video showing the issue:

Expected Behavior: NPC does not stutter at all while moving
Actual Behavior: NPC stutters while moving
Pathfinding Animate Script.rbxm (10.3 KB)


You can call SetNetworkOwner on the rig’s primary part or each BasePart (if no PrimaryPart) and check again, if you haven’t already.

This does not fix the bug. I’ve already tested this

Thank you for your report!

You’re right about the need for improved documentation on NPC authoring.
If you haven’t yet, I recommend exploring the following resource:

Regarding the default Animate script, I created an NPC using the Rig Builder tool. I then transformed the Animate script into a server script and, as you rightly noted, eliminated the chat hooks from the code. Following those steps I’m able to control the character’s movement using MoveTo() or Move(), and the animations function properly.

Here is the rig with the script for your reference.
NPC Rig.rbxm (36.5 KB)


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