PathfindingService not creating waypoints

Hiya there! I’m currently trying right now to make a NPC pathfind through a maze(free model for testing), but currently, the NPC just refuses to move or create waypoints. The solution I tried(pretty new scripter) was to replace the _ in _,waypoint with i, but that didn’t help. Please help!(no errors in output either)


local pathfindService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local path = pathfindService:CreatePath()
local npc  =script.Parent
local goal = workspace.Goal
local humanoid = npc.Humanoid
local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()

for _, waypoint in pairs(waypoints) do
	local part ="Part")
	part.Shape = "Ball"
	part.Material = "Neon"
	part.Size =, 0.6, 0.6)
	part.Position = waypoint.Poition
	part.Anchored = true
	part.CanCollide = false
	part.Parent = game.Workspace

Try checking the path status by doing


That might be the problem if it’s failing to compute it somehow. Or the path might be blocked from the start.
If that doesn’t bring anything up make sure the position of the start and goal are spread out from each other. And maybe even try replacing the start(HumanoidRootPart) with just a normal part inside workspace.

I did that(right before the for_,waypoint) and it says there isn’t a path. Still no errors. Edit: I just realized, If I move it into the for _, waypoint thing, it doesn’t print the status.

Ok well then you are either already at the destination from the start, the path is being blocked by a wall at the start, or there is a jump the npc needs to jump over, like a hole in the ground. If it’s not printing anything in the waypoint loop, there is either no way points or the path failed to compute.

It finally printed the error. It said:

 19:20:28.158 - Workspace.R6.Script:10: invalid argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)

Edit: Wait nevermind, that was my mistake after editing the script

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Hmm, that’s weird. It must not be returning anything because the path failed to compute.
Try something like this:

local pathfindService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local path = pathfindService:CreatePath()
local npc  =script.Parent
local goal = workspace.Goal
local humanoid = npc.Humanoid

if path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
	-- Get path waypoints
	local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
	-- Loop through waypoints
	for _, waypoint in pairs(waypoints) do
		local part ="Part")
	    part.Shape = "Ball"
	    part.Material = "Neon"
	    part.Size =, 0.6, 0.6)
	    part.Position = waypoint.Poition
	    part.Anchored = true
	    part.CanCollide = false
	    part.Parent = game.Workspace
    print("PATH FAILED! Reason: "..tostring(path.Status))

It says there’s no path. I could try to send the place file?

Yea sure. Also make sure to include that last bit I edited where it prints the reason it failed if you didn’t already.

maze pathfinding test.rbxl (55.5 KB)

So I looked through it and that is one big maze. There must be something along the way that is causing it to break. Try this:
maze pathfinding testfix.rbxl (55.9 KB)
It basically goes through checkpoints at a time instead of finding the whole path at the beginning. You should be able to figure out what to do when you run this.

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