PathfindingService useless from over-optimized NavMesh

The green paths are the area I want my NPC to be able to walk. Everything else is off-limits. This simple use case is not supported by the current PathfindingService due to the aggressively optimized NavMesh cutting out most of the pathing area I have set up.

In this scene, every part has a PathfindingModifier labeled “NoNpcPath” except for the green paths, which have another PathfindingModifier labeled “NpcPath”. The Yellow highlights in the screenshot are the “NpcPath”, and the gray/blue is the “NoNpcPath”.

As is evident, hardly any of the “NpcPath” is actually making it into the NavMesh. I expect the NavMesh to contain enough precision to
create paths for these fairly large path areas, where each path is at least 7 studs wide. Even paths that are 11 studs wide are getting dropped.

Here’s a quick fly-through showing the majority of the path area is not included in the NavMesh.

I’ve tried just using a large value for the NoNpcPath instead of math.huge, but the problem is the NPCs still walk in the middle of the street or over the terrain because there simply isn’t enough actual NpcPath available nearby.

A private message is associated with this bug report

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!

The issue here is that the green parts are overlapping over the NPCNoPath parts. For example see below ( the waypoint label is still NoNpcPath even on green part.

If i reduced the size of NPC Path part (green one) ie. part.size.Y = 1 then it works as expected

Waypoints are labelled correctly