Patreon - Are cosmetic rewards ToS safe?

I am wanting to include Patreon rewards for any games that I work on.
I am unsure of whether or not it is within ToS to provide cosmetics to patrons to show appreciation. I would expect that at the very least, harmless cosmetics that can be obtained outside of Patreon would fall within the lines of ToS, however, again, I’m unsure.

I want to include a chat tag for my patreon supporters, and, I think this is the most I could get away with while still being within ToS, however, I am unsure, and, on top of that, I’d really love to provide cosmetic items to players that don’t effect gameplay, assuming it would be allowed.

I would, honestly be willing to risk a simple tag in general, as, a lot of games already allow players to have custom tags based on things in Discord, but, I want to be sure I’m within ToS before I just decide to go for it.

Could I simply not allow players to draw attention to patreon in reference to it? I feel like this would be within ToS, so long as I allow players to get the tag without it being through patreon.

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Thank you, that’s definitely super helpful. Unfortunately, I still just am not sure. With @colbert2677’s answer, I am not sure if something cosmetic that doesn’t hold any value still can fall under the same umbrella. It seems like the answer is that it doesn’t matter if it is cosmetic or if you can obtain it through non monetary means, since what it seems like to me is a way to make sure that Roblox doesn’t end up having to be responsible for it somehow.

In that case, if I really wanted to, I suppose an indirect monetary means to do what I want to do might be to introduce a “point” system in my server maybe, and basically offer bonus points for Patreon supporters or something. That keeps everything off of Roblox. I’m not sure though, I would like more information. I wish this were simpler to answer haha

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You got it right there. Roblox’s concern lies with the exchange of funds for something on the platform. What you’re offering doesn’t matter, whether it’s gameplay enhancements or simple cosmetics. It’s the transaction happening on a non-Roblox channel that moderation finds problematic.

Patreon based stuff should just be kept completely divorced from Roblox. If moderation gets involved with direct game benefits through platforms like Patreon, I don’t doubt they would get involved if it’s indirect either. I don’t know how you plan to do your points system but if it can’t have ties back to Roblox then all should be well. Might want to find another way to give supporters items, or not at all.

Obligatory “I am not staff, my comments are not authoritative and should not be taken as hard advice; treat with high subjectivity”.