Pausing Physics in Studio [Beta]

I think it’s great that they are giving extra work to Roblox physics, it would be great if there were other objects or ways to modify Roblox physics. For example other types of Move Constraints or other type of object. Thanks for this!

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Hey! There has been some strange behaviour with character physics lately (flinging randomly), did you guys change something with this update that could have caused this? (This happens in live games, studio unknown)


do you know a temporarily solution?

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There is no temporary solution, not that I know of. You will have to wait until it is fixed.

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FINALLY! this feature was missing for YEARS!! that stupid rendering is paused for debugging always annoyed me,especially because before that it could be paused and you had this exact feature already.

does this have relation with the flinging players glitch? theres a glitch making the players flinging randomly without reason anytime (it happens on R6, i dont know if happens in R15


Can vouch it happens in R15, experienced it in some games

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Can we expect to have this control in-game as well in the future? Suspending physics on the server would be super useful for certain instances.

at long last. Really hyped for this update!

i was making a plugin that does this, you can pause physics or stop it completely and resume it later on, then i found this forum post, keep up the good work roblox! :wink:

I wish we could use this in scripts too! And maybe instead of pausing time, we could set the speed of time (0-1).

local ps = game:GetService("PhysicsService")

-- API:
ps:SetTimeScale(source: string, scale: number)

The source is an identifer for what is changing the speed of time. All the sources are multiplied into one time scale physics uses. For example, the developer may set this to 1, while Roblox Studio sets it to zero. The product is zero, so time won’t move. The deltaTime arguments are also multiplied. If the product is zero, the events don’t fire.


I’ll pause a plane, set throttle to 0 and wait untill it is at 0kts and then I will unpause :smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

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Yes! Imagine a flash game where you can go faster or slower.

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I would really like a way to speed up / slow down physics! Slow motion would be really cool, but I had a use case for super fast physics simulation a few months ago when I was training an AI racecar

I would have loved to use my computer’s full resources but I also understand that Roblox isn’t necessarily the best platform for training AI on and it’s probably better to export data and train using external tools. Nonetheless, very cool!


Yeah, I think physics manipulation would open up a HUGE amount of possibilities.


cutscenes, testing purposes, visual related things, etc.


now let us pause physics in our computer :fire::fire:


I don’t mean to sound rude but wasn’t this a feature for many many many years before it was disabled for some reason?


looking forward to get this on live games!


Same, I’m playing in-game and I randomly get flung.