I’m making this post to highlight current inequities in creator-store monetization and how pay-as-you-scale (PAYS) plugins and packages can solve this.
Roblox are making good steps forwards with the creator store. One recent change was sellable plugins in USD that enable creators to bypass marketplace fees. This is positive but as highlighted from the replies in a post Elttob recently created (and many more threads) single-time-payments fall short for both users and their creators:
This issues
Single-use-payments are inherently unfair
A large team of already established developers will have no problem paying 50 USD for a high-quality plugin or package; upcoming developers can’t. This restricts the best resources to developers who are already in a well-off position and limits developers just starting out from competing with these bigger players.
Roblox’s pool of developers is often younger (with less financial means) compared to the broader ecosystem making these all the more important.
Single-use-payments restrict income
Creators will only ever receive one-off payments from their users. This is fine for assets such as models and images, not for larger applications like plugins and packages which will likely require regular maintenance over many years. This system also incentivises the creation of quick-to-make applications as apposed to large-scale high quality resources.
Monetization is solely limited to plugins
Roblox is restricting the variety of tools that can be created by limiting monetization to plugins. Providing these and more for packages (therefore runtime applications) further increases the range of tools creators can make. I cover this in a lot greater detail here.
What are PAYS
Pay-as-your scale applications are plugins and packages free of cost at purchase which users instead pay x amount of Robux for regularly (such as every month) depending on the scale of their experience (i.e. an experiences revenue or Monthly Active Players (MAP)).
For example,:
- A plugin creator sets their cost-per-player to 0.01 with a free period of <10,000 MAP
- DevA and DevB agree to these terms and install the plugin
- DevA’s game does okay with 2000 MAP and pays nothing every month
- DevB’s game does great with 10,000,000 MAP and pays 99,900 Robux per month
A guarantee such as 1-year would also likely be required to prevent users benefiting from plugins that enable them to create experiences but aren’t essential anymore after release.
How PAYS plugins and packages solve this
Greater availability
PAYS applications are effectively free upfront, enabling any developer to benefit and create games from the best resources. The greater the availability of high-quality resources, the greater the speed and effectiveness individuals and teams can create experiences.
Greater income potential
Creators will have a significantly higher income potential when their revenue scales proportional to the success of their users (and the amount of players playing the experiences of their users). There are 297 million more players than developers so associating income with players enables income to be dramatically scaled up.
Higher incomes enables greater skilled teams enabling higher quality resources across the whole platform. This is explained in a lot more detail here.
I understand the broader economy works with people more well-off getting access to better resources. The Roblox engine is in a unique position to overcome this, benefiting both its application creators and developers at the same time.