Payer cannot control the camera on mobile device after tap with 3 fingers at right side of the screen

Player lose ability to control camera after tapping with 3 fingers on the right side of the screen on mobile device.
This bug reproduce at Xiaomi Devices ONLY, as far as we know (Poco f1 ΠΈ Poco x3). We cant reproduce it on Vivo V17, Sony Xperia XZ3, Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

We reproduce this bug at πŸ€ Basketball Dunk Heroes πŸ€ - Roblox at playground and match, and ⚽ Super Striker League - Roblox also.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Log in to the game on your mobile device
  2. Tap with 3 fingers on the right side of the screen
  3. Try to control the camera view

Repro Frequency: 100%

Expected behavior

Player do not lose ability to control camera after tapping with 3 fingers on the right side of the screen on mobile device.


Thanks for the report, we will investigate.


Hi @ovvlman,
Could you try turning off the 3 finger screenshot function on your Xiaomi device and let me know if you can reproduce the issue or not.


Hi @RickleSandwich
Thanks for the answer. You are absolutely right - we cant reproduce this bug if 3 finger screenshot function is off on Xiaomi Device. Are you gonna close this bug, or you will fix this somehow later?

We also found a similar bug with another device - Galaxy Note 8.
Player cannot control the camera after 4 fingers tap (or hold the edge of the palm) at the right side of the screen. We can reproduce this problem when screenshot function is on or off. Do i need to create new bug for Galaxy Note 8 special?

We assume that this bug may occur on other devices, depending on the screenshot function. Do we need to create new bugs for device speacial?


Thanks for letting me know and testing on other devices! I will take a look internally to see if they have anything in common.


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After investigation, we decided to not fix the bug on Xiaomi device since this is Xiaomi device & system setting specific. For the Galaxy Note 8, please file another bug since this is a separate issue.

Thank you!


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