Paying R$1,000 For an Icon

It would be for my game Minnow Defense. Few things I want from it:

8 bit
Name is in it in an arch design
Has a shark in it

That’s about it. If you can incorporate a fish as well that’s great.

Yeah, I’ll give it a go.
Want rounded corners?

[quote] Yeah, I’ll give it a go.
Want rounded corners? [/quote]

iirc thumbnails are required to be square with no edge/corner embellishments.

8bit didn’t look good, if you still want 8bit, then sure.

Looks great! But it’s Minnow Defense. I assume it’s not to hard to fix that.

No wonder those fish looked familiar.

[quote] [/quote]

Even though it’s a few google images (Not meant to be offensive), that still looks really good! I’m impressed!

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