I need to convert my game (Legend of the Fallen Kingdom 2) to Filtering Enabled. I will pay 20K R$ if anyone could do this for me in a week. If you want to contact me you can find my on skype (DevBonnie) or on roblox. Thank you!
Not what you want to hear but…
I highly recommend trying it yourself for the following reasons:
- You know your game better than anyone else. It will take other people a lot longer to work through your code.
- You will learn a lot about client/server divisions and proper game making. This will make you a better developer.
- You have a great community here to answer any questions you have about servers/clients.
If you definitely want to get someone else to do it then you need to do the following.
- Tell people why your game doesn’t work with FilteringEnabled on. What breaks?
- What’s the composition of your game, is it just some tools? Or is it more complicated systems. List everything the client changes that needs to replicate to other players.
- What’s your objective of converting to FE. Do you just want it to work or are you expecting a more complete remake that stops the client from abusing certain things.
Good luck!
Along with all that, it would help if we had an actual link to the game so that way we can figure out if we even think it would be worth our time.
Pictures also help. Especially of the code currently.
EDIT: I just took a look at the game, and it looks like 1 week is enough time if you fully understand the game and put around 10-20 hours into converting it (possibly a lot more.) Well, unless it is very efficiently coded with most of the major bits of code in a couple of scripts.
When we converted Hex to FilteringEnabled before release it took an afternoon. You never really know how hard it will be, it just depends on how clean the server/client divisions are already.
Your going to struggle to find someone to do this who hasn’t had a good look at your code first.
30k through group funds seems a bit more fair for something this big.
We don’t know how big it is
I took a brief look at the game and it looks quite extensive. I’m also willing to bet that most NPCs have their own script running them. I saw at least 20 NPCs in the first 2 zones and from what I can tell there is a good deal of zones.
Also from what I can guess at the current method for dealing and taking damage would need to be completely redone in order to make it work with filtering (it should be anyways I think it uses touched events to deal damage.)
So, yeah it may only take an afternoon but I wouldn’t bet on that one until I see some code.
If you avoid learning FE, you’re just going to cost yourself lots of money in the long run if you intend to pay people to convert every game you make.
Also, you’ll never truly understand how multiplayer games / replication works. This is vital.
The game will probably require a complete rewrite, keep that in mind.
The one problem I have with this, is that you seem like you are actively working on this project.
So I assume this isn’t a one-time thing, which you would be better off just doing it yourself.
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