PB Kronos 2.4.0 Changelog - Public Version


PB Kronos Admin System

Version 2.4.0

This version of Kronos has been in periodical development since October and has been slowly worked on over the period since.

This document will list all publicly known changes; aka Players/Donors.

This will not cover every small detail; so you may discover something not listed here.
I am only covering the main points.

Main Changes

  • The Kronos UI design has taken a massive change, you will see the new look below!

  • Backpacks were given an overhaul & rework; you can now edit and rename them.

  • Capes were given a special treatment this time round; like aliases, you can now save capes easily. This includes editing them through the new Cape Editor and loading them easily in the User Panel.
    This system is exclusive to Donors.

  • New Donor Command !tshirt <id>

  • You can now view all divisional schedules in-game, you no longer need to join the guilds or go to the Data Storage Facility.
    !schedule (Players)

  • !mypoints was updated and you can now view pending points in it

  • Multiple new server-related Player level commands were added. These include;
    !server !serverlocation !serverlag !serverage

  • !clientfps / !clientspeed for Players (same command)

  • !calc command for Players to calculate an expression; no calculus or trig sorry

  • !notepad saves your text between sessions

  • Selectors are now a thing!
    Like aliases, these can be used to assign specific selectors to an alias name and used in commands that use a player argument.

An example usage;

Selector Name: tms
Selector: %tms,%syndicate,%raiders 

In a command: ;bring !tms
Will bring anyone in the TMS, Syndicate, or Raiders team.

Example with arguments

Selector Name: r
Selector: range-<distance>

1: distance (defaults to 20)

In a command: ;team !r.50 Winners
Will team anyone in a range of 50 studs to the Winners team


  • Aliases and selectors can now be searched for in the User Panel

  • New User Panel UI commands
    !aliases !client !keybinds !selectors !donate !capes

  • !call was updated and lets you view a filtered reason before you send.

  • Client Settings has new options
    – Player Names
    These settings allow you to switch between three options;
    (What shows above a players head)
    Both - Will display both the Display Name and actual name of a user
    Display - Will display just the Display Name of the user
    Actual - Will display just the actual name of the user

    – Key Camera Alignments (, and . keys, orients camera in 45 degree increments)

  • !countdown for Players
    This lets you start a personal (local) countdown on your screen.

  • !mystats for Players
    View all your leaderboard stats, great if you are on mobile or don’t want the leaderboard open.

  • !myhats for Donors
    This lets you individually remove specific hats from your avatar.

  • New Brick Color selector UI for certain commands.
    Multiple Donor Level and Player Level commands involving Brick Colors can open the UI to easily search & select a color.
    !neon !light !colorsword etc

  • Kronos will periodically make chat-based announcements from a list of pre-made messages.

  • You no longer have to respawn to update your ranktag, it will do this automatically now & will notify you when it does.

  • !traininginfo had information updated and now includes a lot of common abbreviations

  • Kronos uses a new Rate Limiting system for commands, built on the concept of the Leaky Bucket.
    You can now run a lot more commands at once without having to add manual yields. (!wait 1 etc)
    This bucket is global for Non-Admins and is specific for Donor Commands.
    If you hit the limit you will have to wait until the bucket starts to empty before you can run more commands.
    Donors get more head room with running commands than Non-Donors.
    This does not apply to users with Kronos Admin Level 1 and up

+ A lot of bug fixes
