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3/2024 Updates:
- Updated all Animations for PB.
- More use of in-out, in, and out. For changes in animations. Allows for smoother yet more responsible animations. And, animation cancels for double jumping to gliding actions.
- Updated fog in Nightfall Grove to be more blue & noticeable
- Custom set controls now save from play session to play session.
- Reminder that you can change controls in the Controls Menu. (in pause menu and main menu.)
- New Badge system for collecting all Golden Toast in worlds
- currently in Grasslands and Nightfall Grove
- Fixed bug where in-game collection counters would not update when first loading a save file.
- Fixed bug where Golden Toast could be recollected after already collecting it. Data persists across play sessions properly.
- Coins now give player 1 health point after being collected, if the player has less than max health.
- Bull enemies are now faster & are more responsive to players
- System for changing fog based on world the player is in
- Fog added to Nightfall Grove & Mt. Snowball
- Additions to Nightfall grove forcing the player to jump more rather than constantly sprinting.
- Added custom background music for the main menu.
- Fixed issues with donate area/UI not correctly updating the camera after leaving it.
- Fixed bug with floating platform timings in Nightfall Grove.
- There are still occasional issues if lag is involved, which I don’t see to be able to change. Coroutines are a nightmare.
- Badge added for joining the game.
- Revamped Donation system.
- Now includes an in-world leaderboard that refreshes every 30 seconds.
- Updated icons for the dev products.
- Can be accessed in the main menu, pause menu, and the area in the hub world through interaction.
- Added a work in progress ‘Private Server kicking system’ for server owners
- if you are the private server owner, you can open the menu with ‘Q’.
- bugs with it should be fixed now, apologies for the many forced publications while testing. (not an easy way to test in studio really.)
- Improved how damage is communicated to the player
- a sound effect plays & a highlight appears for a bit
- Revamped hub world
- Updated Camera’s Y positioning to be offset above the player a bit to better help with platforming.
- Pushed updates from last month that about NPCs
- Fixed issue where you could not interact with the NPC on Touch-enabled devices
Month of 2/2024:
- Added Tutorial on Swimming in Grasslands World
- also put more breakable crates around Grasslands
- Updated a Nightfall Grove Secret Area
- NPC in Nightfall Grove (WIP stuff
- Updated how objects gain their functionality from the CollectionService System.
- There was an issue where many objects would load into the game without functionality. This should no longer be a problem; I will investigate more off and on.
- Mobile Buttons Update
- Custom jump button
- All Mobile buttons use
now. This is for better UX. (don’t need to hold the sprint or dig button down anymore)
- Updated tutorial (Grasslands)
- The very beginning area now only has one jump for better accessibility and onboarding. I
2/1 to 2/17:
- Updated AnimateUI Module
- sound effects now play for dialogue properly
- spacing/timing improved in various situations of text
- Localization should still be working, if not better
- Added death screen fade in/out animation
- Fixed issue where moving platforms in Nightfall Grove would not move
- Begun work on Mt. Snowball world.
- Grayboxing/layout & some models for the world. (small chorten & a lantern.)
Month of 1/2024:
1/28/2024 Update:
- Updated in-game feedback system UI
- Displays char amount and the min/max
1/26/2024 Update:
- Added a change keybind system for Keyboard only.
- Dev notes on this:
- Making a keybind system work for gamepad is more work. The KeyCode is the same, but I need to show the player the actual buttons based on PlayStation and Xbox remote for better UX.
- I’m working on letting players change the directional movements & jumping. It looks like there’s not a great way of doing this, but I’ll implement it eventually.
- Added DisplayName tags above player characters.
1/20/2024 Update:
- Updated various parts of Nightfall Grove.
- Added custom health system. (Temporary UI in place.)
- Fixed bug where PlayTime stats would not update.
- Fixed longstanding bug where scripts would run twice.
- Known issues:
- Sometimes hovering platforms and GoldenToast do not receive their code to run at all. I’ll investigate the issues when I get more time.
- Sheep AI isn’t that great. It has been reverted to a slightly older version while I figure out coroutines and better pathfinding.
1/16/2024 Update:
- Added mushroom tower section in Nightfall Grove world
- Added 6 Golden Toast to Nightfall Grove world
- There is an issue where it seems sometimes the Golden Toast do not show up correctly in the pause menu. I’ll fix it ASAP.
- Fixed issue where items would not equip for new cosmetics shop UI.
1/14/2024 Update:
- Added SFX for checkpoints when they are set
- Fixed issue where coin data would not update collection display when loading into the game
- Updated cosmetics shop UI
- Added SFX for gliding
- Improved bloom overall, mainly to deal with Nightfall Grove issues with lighting.
- Improved sheep AI & fixed some spawning issues
- Added some older assets into the game from 2022 such as houses for Nightfall Grove and the purple bouncepad.
1/9/2024 Update:
- Added checkpoint system & better respawning.
- Updated snow particle in Mt. Snowball
- Updated donate UI a bit
- Improved sheep AI.
- They run away when you get too close, roam around when at a distance, and stop moving when too far away.
- Note that they are spawning twice due to a Roblox bug, as mentioned in the previous update. I have not yet found a work around.
- Added mob spawning/despawning system based on what world the player is in. However, only the sheep has been reworked as of right now.
- Removed collectible UI moving in/out when moving/not.
- I found it to be cool, but probably annoying in a YouTube viewing experience if/when people cover the game.
- The UI telling the player how to pause has been moved to under the Roblox icon and no longer moves. This makes it better to see while not getting in the way of the screen.
Month of 12/2023 Update:
Preface: I’ve been working on making the game multiplayer. Making various aspects of the game client-sided takes quite a bit of work. I’m not 100% there, but I’ve made great strides. I’ve also done some other work from time-to-time, school is my focus.
Week of 12/31/2023 Update:
- Fixed bug where inputType would not update UI prompts
Week of 12/24/2023 Update:
- Coin collection sound effect pitch goes up the more coins you collect in a given time frame
- Added temporary main menu
- Updated Nightfall Grove loading screen
- SFX added for when continuing dialogue in an NPC conversation.
- VFX are now shown for collecting a coin & the collection UI pops in.
- Collection UI & How to pause UI now moves off screen when the player is moving and comes back when the player stops moving.
- Players no longer collide with each other. (! Testing game for Multiplayer !)
- Lava now ‘resets’ the player.
- Playtime is now client sided.
- Fixed bug where Playtime did not update properly. Display equation might be wrong occasionally though.
- Fixed bug where you could collect Golden Toast twice by reloading the game. Also fixed bug where Golden Toast would not go semi-transparent after being collected.
- Jay NPC System & Information signs are now done on the Client!
- Portals system is now done on the Client.
I am facing issues with GetInstanceAddedSignal
where it is firing twice, causing all the code that use it to fire twice. I cannot seem to fix this issue and have reported it to Roblox. You may face some odd issues, such as teleporting twice, until I or Roblox find a fix.
- Not sure if this is related, but Golden Toast and stuff sometimes just don’t load. The code is all the exact same mostly, the root issue is that one API.
- Mobile interaction system now done on client.
- Swimming in water detection is now done on the Client.
- Fixed issue where camera being in water would not change the screen/music. The system is now updated to reflect Collection Service streaming in and out.
- Fixed issues with Mushroom Bouncepad not properly making the player ‘jump’.
- Nightfall Grove level design & environment mostly done.
- Moving platforms now move the player with the platform. This makes platforming awesome on those moving platforms.
Pre 12/24/2023 Improvements:
- Custom reset logic that teleports the player based on the world they are in.
- Most logic of world location and various systems connected to it now happen on the Client only. (a step towards multiplayer)
- A floating/moving platform has been added with logic on the client. It can be found inside the Testing World. It will be used for the Nightfall Grove world.
- Added Outdoor lighting changes based on what world the player is in. This hopefully makes it far easier to see on Mobile, or any small/dimly lit screen.
Pre 12/24/2023 Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug where ‘Go to Hub World’ button in pause menu would not update other parts of the game to change various aspects like Terrain color.
- With this fix came a new bug, the Hub World BGM playing in the main menu. This is something I will get to.
- Fixed issue with go to hub world button and main menu button in pause menu where it didn’t update lighting
12/10/2023 Update notes:
- New look & begun work on Nightfall Grove
- Grasslands world tweaked for better FTUE & onboarding.
- Added reset logic to breakable crates & rockwalls.
- When a player loads back into that world, those breakables will be reset to be able to be broken again.
- Things made client-based:
- Coin collection
- Golden Toast collection
- Breakable rockwall & crate
- Sheep mob AI (which is also upgraded, but kinda broken.)
- Added system for world-based…
- Lighting changes
- Terrain changes
- Cloud settings changes
Month of 11/2023 Update:
- Fixed bug where dig sign had wrong dialog.
- Improved cave area of Grasslands world
- Made the breakable crate hitboxes bigger & smoother for better UX.
- Updated Jay’s dialog about sprinting into rock walls to include a reminder of how to sprint.
- UI Improvements:
- Sound effects added when hovering over UI
- The ‘Are you sure?’ screens are now in a box.
- The menus for controls, options, etc. are now smaller to make UI feel less cramped.
- Custom CFrames for Cameras for the sign interaction/cutscenes & shop
- Digging now overrides sprinting and sprinting now overrides digging.
- The last pressed input is what is chosen. This means UI for both movement options are shown on mobile and thus easier to understand.
- UI updates for Mobile insets.
- If you can lmk any odd issues you notice w/ UI
- UI updates
- Hover animiations in main menu, pause menu, and donation menu.
- Updated Grasslands tutorial world
- The player is now forced into digging and sprinting mechanics to progress through the tutorial. I think this is best. If a player can’t get through it, there are signs to guide the player. They are forced, but can be skipped and can be reopened.
- If you complete the tutorial world, then when reloading the save file, you will spawn in the Hub World.
- “Completing” Grasslands in the code for this situation is determined by simply walking through the portal at the end of the level/world.
- System changes to how the game handles when the player enters a world/level. More things are done on the Client.
- Background music and mob AI/pathing are done on the Server. I think both should be done on the Client, but maybe not the mob pathing.
- Added SFX to mushroom bounce pad inside testing world and improved detection.
- Fixed various bugs with audio where it would not respect player SFX and BGM sliders in the options menu.
- Grey boxing done for Nightfall Grove
- Revamped Hub World
- Revamped game-wide Lighting
- Removal of Rocky Start
- Too dark. Revamp of Lighting helped, but I’d rather focus on other world ideas.
- A bunch of code changes to systems to reflect Rocky Start’s removal.
Dev note added in this release:
- My current plan is for saved data to not carry over from the currently publicly available release into the eventual full-game actual release.
- I think I should do this as Roblox’s algorithm would like it more to have the full game on release with D1, D7, etc. metrics. If there’s more content for people to come back for, then yeah. Right now there isn’t, but that’s being worked on.
Month of 10/2023 Update:
- Virtual Cursor now automatically enabled for main menu & pause menu if gamepad input is detected.
- You can always disable it by pressing the ‘select’/pause button shown in the ‘Controls’ menu inside the game.
- New wooden scaffolding model, replaces the grayboxing in grasslands world.
- Fixed various UI bugs caused by new InputType detection system, such as mobile buttons not changing color/updating.
- Changed game-wide grass length to 0.375.
Month of 9/2023 Update:
- Using Roblox’s updated/new APIs for Cross-Platform Button Support
- Fixed bug where players would have to press the dig button twice sometimes to actually dig.
- Changed various dialogue for Jay to be more clear to the player.
- Mobile players are now able to dig when in air, like other input types.
- Coin spinning system
- This system could cause lag. There is StreamingEnabled in the game, so to an extent it can cull out far away coins. But, if any lag is prevalent due to this system, please let me know.
- Movement:
- If you glide and got out of gliding, you can now re-glide as much as you want. (until you reach the ground.)
- Double jump animation sped up and changed slightly
- Digging:
- Trying to dig while gliding will now force the player out of gliding and into digging
- You can now go into digging from jumping
- Jumping will force you out of digging
- Other:
- Tutorial signs have updated dialogue
- Changes to Hub World layout.
- I’ll probably be getting rid of the area that is shown in the title screen and redesigning the Hub World more to be far more linear to tell the player where to go. Stuck on the idea of locking worlds behind golden toast amounts.
Tutorial hotfix:
- Note: These are quick fixes to some things that need to be addressed quickly, and they have been here.
- The Grasslands world is now the world you spawn into. This forces the player into the tutorial instead of initially giving them free-roam to go into whatever portal they want to. However, the tutorial is designed to be great for returning players and new ones.
- The intro sign is now forced
- Quick camera positioning fix for information signs. All share a not-so-great CFrame. In the future I will work out composition/framing for all of the signs, but for now this is all I have time for.
- interaction prompts are now disabled for Jay when in dialogue and toggles back on when dialogue is done.
- Various environment additions to Grasslands world.
- There’s a windmill that spins, which I like. (I’ll probably update the model in the future.)
Month of 8/2023 Update:
8/22/2023 Update:
Cosmetics Shop (part 1):
- You can buy & wear items from the cosmetics shop in the Hub World.
- However, the cosmetics you buy are not saved in the data system yet. It also doesn’t spend your coins either yet, but you do need a certain amount of coins to be able to purchase the items that require coins.
- Part 2 of this system will be the data systems. (saving, loading, etc.)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue where sometimes the controls, options, etc. menus would be covered by other UI.
- Fixed issues with blinking animation playing over, and thus breaking, other animations.
- Temp fix for save file info not showing on the save file selection screen. (could still be an issue, but very rarely.)
8/20/2023 Update:
- Invisible walls around Grasslands world
- Beginnings of Lava asset, not code yet.
- Removed sound playing per-character for NPC dialogue.
- I can’t currently find a solution to keeping out richtext/code elements. Might be best to have no sound per-character.
8/18/2023 Update:
- Tutorial rework:
- Instead of the previous flow of it being in the Hubworld, the tutorial is spread throughout the 1st world, Grasslands.
- Signs have been added around Grasslands to teach players mechanics. (jump /double jump, golden toast, sprinting, digging, ramming into walls, and gliding.)
- The Hub World is technically apart of the tutorial. It’s a safe place where players start in, where they can move around and whatnot.
- With this, I’d like to focus the players attention to certain areas. This means I’m revisiting blocking off areas and unlocking them with Golden Toast. Maybe this system will be portal-based, or wall/gate based. Either way, a system needs to be in place so players progress and know where they are going/what they are doing.
- Controls menu UI now updates based on Input-Type. This is in compliance for Xbox guidelines, but also is good UX.
- Updated Testing World & Grasslands loading screen images.
- Fixed bug where the first coin you collected wouldn’t update the UI for coins collected.
8/17/2023 Update:
- Eyelids & blinking!
- PB the pig now blinks occasionally.
- All 13 current animations for PB the pig have been updated to match the new rig that includes the eyelids.
Known issues:
- Sometimes the data for save files don’t show up on the menu. I assume this to be an issue where data doesn’t load fast enough on Roblox’s end or if data fails to load.
8/9/2023 Update:
- Golden Toast collected data system done. If you previously collected a golden toast in a save file, the game will display the collectible as semi-transparent and will not let you collect it.
8/8/2023 Update:
- Golden Toast collected data system in the works. Golden Toast collected are now saved and show up in the pause menu per-world and per-save-file.
- Despite this, Golden Toast, if already collected, can be collected again. (I need to work on a system for ‘disabling’ golden toast that is already collected on a per-save-file way, not per-session as it is now.)
- Digging wall added in Testing World.
- You can only get past this wall if you dig under it. This will be used to get to secret areas, and might be a more main mechanic in the Rocky Start (probably will be renamed) world.
- Changes to how initial loading into game screen works. It should now start and end sooner.
8/1/2023 Update:
- All uses of ZonePlus in the game are now player-based, not part based like they were before. This should be better for performance. Thus, swimming into water should be faster and smoother than it previously was.
Month of 7/2023:
7/31/2023 Update:
- All options preference data now loads in when joining and saves when changed. Yay!
- Save-file-based Play Time is now saved, loaded, and shown.
- This data is shown on the save file select screen.
- Overall Play Time is now saved, loaded, and shown.
- This data is shown in the new ‘Stats’ tab under the ‘Extras’ menu.
This all took many many hours to get working. Happy it works, but it was a battle.
7/30/2023 Update:
- Various UI/UX improvements. Most if not all text should now be legible on all screen sizes and platforms. Xbox historically was having issues. I’m being sure to test as much as possible.
7/28/2023 Update:
- UI/UX improvements for pause menu UI
- Using icons for different buttons and resizing of menus for better UX
7/26/2023 Update:
7/21/2023 Update:
- Made feedback system under a scrolling frame.
- Fixed bug where mobile buttons would not re-appear after unpausing the game.
- Fixed bug that caused major lag near interation spots for mobile devices.
- Previously the ‘interaction button’ was getting set to enabled and disabled in two seperate scripts, possibly each frame.
- Added free-to-use place holder background music for different worlds.
- I’d like to compose my own music for each world and make it all dynamic and adaptive, but I’m not sure when or if I’ll get to that.
7/20/2023 Update:
- Moving up in water, aka jumping in water, no longer jolts the player backwards. The transition is smooth now. The issue with how Roblox handles jumping in general, but also on Mobile devices.
- Mobile buttons now toggle once, and not every frame. Previously mobile users would get tons of lag from the old method.
7/14/2023 Update:
- Turn puzzle system in testing world (mostly working)
- Revamp of grasslands world.
- The world you are in is said inside the pause menu.
- Updated controls menu for keyboard to show correct freecam keys.
- It’s just Shift + S, Ctrl does not matter.
- Changed effects for the rock asset you ram/sprint into.
- It not shows an image, telling the player to sprint, the meshes also fade out and the particles have been updated.
- Data System:
- 3 different save files!
- loading data, saving data, getting data, setting data… All that fun code stuff.
- You can delete your save data if you wish. Currently only coins and Golden Toast collected are saved and loaded, technically.
- There are various issues with the saving system right now. I’ve been debating whether or not to release this update as I might have to delete save data in a following update, depending on how I handle coins being collected.
- The main issue are the Golden Toast. I need a way to store every single one the player collects as save data, checking each file and whatnot.
Not sure if this was said before:
- You can now swim down faster underwater
- The sprinting particles have been updated
- Waterfalls in the grasslands world, they look cool.
- I probably forgot to mention something…
Extra Dev Note:
- I’m working really hard on the devlog for the YouTube channel. There’s been many obstacles along the way, but I’ll get it out as soon as I can. Thanks for the support everyone!
Month of 6/2023:
6/25/2023 Update:
- Added ‘Active Camera’ option.
- Active, a.k.a. ‘Follow’ is the default. Disabling this will set the camera to passive, a.k.a. ‘Track’.
- Added ‘Auto Jump’ option.
- This is using Roblox’s ‘AutoJump’ feature which I beleive only works for mobile/touch-enabled devices.
6/24/2023 Update:
- Added Portals to the Collection Service list. This means I can now easily control the behavior of all portals with one script.
- A ‘go to HubWorld’ option has been added to the pause menu for when you are not in the HubWorld.
- Added wind line effect for gliding.
6/23/2023 Update:
- Put all water behavior into 2 scripts, cleaned them up, & made all water follow intended behavior/s:
- Player interaction with water
- If the water is deep enough, the player can swim in the water.
- Camera interaction with water
- If the camera goes into the water, then the relevant effects are applied.
6/22/2023 Update:
- New default skybox
- I’m thinking of making a custom skybox for each world.
- When gliding into water, you are now forced out of gliding and put into swimming.
- You can now swim down faster in water if you wish.
- X button for controllers, Ctrl for Keyboard, mobile has a dedicated button that pops up when you can swim down faster.
- Updated the controls menu to better work with language translation.
- Making sure all text in the game is legible, no matter device type/size or end-user language preference, is challenging.
- It’s not perfect, still working on it.
- Made an ‘Are you sure?’ screen for when you try to go to the main menu from the pause menu.
- I’ve removed the wooden barrier and the ‘locked areas’ sign that went along with it. If I do require ‘golden toast’, I think I’d to that for specific portals or end parts of the game. Like, if you have 80% of collectables collected, you can unlock something maybe. Anyways, I don’t want to block exploration of the hubworld nor in general.
Side-note: There’s some bugs on Roblox’s end that has slowed my work-flow. Not only dealing with the bugs and finding work-arounds/solutions, but also reporting them. It takes quite a bit of time. (esspessaily with the member role on the forums.) Anyways, props to Roblox staff.
6/21/2023 Update:
New character model for PB the pig, the main character of the game you play as. There were some issues regarding custom characters Roblox is aware of now that I ran into. Anyway, more pictures are on my Twitter, but here’s one for the update-log:
- The swimming animation is a little broken with the new character model. I’m also aware that gliding into water can sometimes break swimming/not stop the player from gliding.
Fixed issue with remote event exhaustion. Previously I didn’t check if a player was on mobile before toggling mouse buttons. You wouldn’t see it anyhow, but it did contribute to lag on other devices.
Changed GeographicLatitude for HubWorld so that the sun isn’t where the moon should be and vice-versa.
6/15/2023 Update:
Made textbox for in-game feedback ‘multi-lined’, made it so that text doesn’t clear on focus, and enabled Clip Descendants. (This makes for far better interaction with textboxes.)
Removed internal waits and delays for gliding.
- This means the double jump animation can be canceled. Responsive controls are paramount.
(Huge thanks to FireMaxius for noticing the issues and sending feedback!)
- Also, love the idea for swimming down faster. I’ll be sure to add it in the next update.
6/14/2023 Update
- Updated the options menu to give descriptions.
- Added FOV option under the ‘general’ tab in the options menu. (1 to 120, default is 70.)
- Mushroom bounce pad animation when the player bounces off of it.
- Added toggle for environment-based particles.
- Particles are world-based. If you are in the HubWorld, then only the particles that should be enabled in the HubWorld are. Some of those particles are environment-based such as fireflies or the fire from the torches that would normally always be enabled if in that world. Now you can toggle these if you wish.
6/12/2023 Update
Gliding Mechanic:
- Press the jump button 3 times and you will begin to glide.
- Press the jump button again, whilst gliding, to get out of gliding.
In-game feedback system:
- Found in the extras menu, you can submit feedback to me about the game from inside the game!
- Moves List added to Controls Menu:
- An in-depth list for each input type has been added. Was some-what of an annoyance to make.
- To open the menu on keyboards, you know need to press the M key. It used to be P, but now that keyboard players have access to the Freecam, I’ve changed the input for opening the pause menu.
- Added ‘are you sure?’ screen for when player tries to leave game.
- Added credits menu w/ links to different modules and whatnot that I’ve used.
- Added a ‘leave game’ button in the pause menu for better UX. (after researching, a common issue some had was needing to go to the main menu to actually leave video games. I might just consider this clutter later and remove it, not sure.)
- Digging animation is now faster
- Movement animations has all changed to better reflect the gliding mechanic and bring attention to the wings. If the player is sprinting, the wings are closer to the players body. If the player is gliding, the wings are stretched out.
- Everyone now has access to FreeCam (side-note, I believe this to be only a keyboard/PC thing.)
- Falling leaf particles on the trees in the testing world. (probably need to work on performance before putting it everywhere. And should probably add an environmental particles settings.)
6/8/2023 Update
** Dynamic Wind! **
Encorperates the following:
Swimming Improvents:
- Better movement (normal movement w/ only change for velocity for moving Up and Down.)
- Fixed some cases of the swim animation not playing. Not all as some are related to the ZonePlus module. (increasing detection rates would make the game lag more.)
- Landing while swimming is fixed as well as some issues where the player would jolt back when trying to jump after landing. (not all instances of this are fixed, but most from my testing.)
- Fixed bug where mobile players couldn’t swim up.
- this is because Roblox disables the mobile jump button when the JumpPower propety is set to 0. So my custom swim jumping was messing with that. But it works now.
- Made it so that the player can only dig on certain floor materials. (Grass, leafygrass, mud, and ground)
- If the player is not on a material they should be able to dig on, then are sent out of digging.
- The Interact button on Mobile/touch enabled devices will only be visible when you can actually interact with something.
- Now using Roblox’s AnimateUI module for animating richtext. (I can color specific words in a message from an NPC and let the text traslate better.)
- Images for loading screen based on where the player is going.
- Text speed is now slower. (you can always skip text)
- Removed pop-up reminder telling players how to navigate with menus on Xbox. (no longer needed as the game now uses Roblox’s Virtual Cursor.)
- Fading text to pink no longer occurs on the main menu for Mobile/when using touch. (I don’t like it much, might get rid of it completely idk.)
- Coins now respawn by default. (some might not in the future. Like, if one comes from a enemy. Not sure yet.)
- Fixed bug where collecting 1 coin counted as collecting two coins.
- Information Signs have been added to the Collection service list. (all signs now share behavior and I can alter them all with a single script.)
- Made different colors of trees and placed the replaced the old trees in the Hub World.
- Changed the Hub World a bit. (might change it.)
Month of 5/2023:
5/28/2023 Update
Swimming mechanic has been added to the game:
Other things:
- Movement buttons on Mobile toggle visibility when you can/can’t use them
- Removed instant text speed in settings menu. You can skip text, there’s no reason to have the instant text speed option. If someone asks for it, I can add it back though.
- The game now uses Roblox’s Virtual Cursor for controllers.
I’ve made a setting to disable it, but it doesn’t work. Roblox has no way to disable the feature in the way I’d like to right now.
- Various UI fixed/updates. (loading screen now uses a canvas group but is laggy for some reason, settings now uses scaled text setting, etc.)
- Various code updates. Mostly to the mechanics fixing issues that occured from adding the swimming mechanic.
5/8/2023 Update
I made a video for an introduction to the game, I hope to do more devlogs in the future:
4/22/2023 Update
Now using Roblox’s CollectionService & Tag System
- This should improve performance and development time
- I will be transitioning things to this work-flow
Golden Toast pickup sound effect is 2d-based rather than 3d.
On the lines of audio, the music sometimes defaulting to 0 is fixed. Background music plays now, if ya want it to.
4/20/2023 Update
UI changes
- moved interact button to be beside pause button (mobile)
- generally moved UI upward, including the jump button. (mobile)
- using a solution to the RichText bug currently happening
- made collectible counters bigger
Generally followed feedback provided as well as the Roblox Level-Up on Mobile UI/UX.
4/19/2023 Update:
- Fixed issue where controls would automatically be enabled when switching input types.
- I was using outdated, and edited, playerScripts made by Roblox. Now updated.
- Fixed some UI issues when playing on larger screens.
- Fixed up Xbox UI issues in pause menu
- Went back to using RichText on most things I changed previously. The text needs to stretch on larger screens to look good, but there is are issues going on.
4/16/2023 Update:
New Collectible: Golden Toast
- Similar to the power moons in Mario Odyssey
- Encourage exploration, optional to get most, used to unlock new areas.
- Message pop-up for collecting it, might add the little descriptions later.
- Might add a special collection animation later.
- Golden Toast collected can be found in the pause menu.
- Donate UI moved down, not sure best place to put it.
Signs now have small messages to tell you, well, what they tell you.
- for example, the sign about coins has UI above it that says ‘Coins’.
Lowering the use of RichText on UI elements that don’t need them.
- I do this so that text doesn’t stretch and become blurry, but this does make the title in the main menu smaller. Not sure the best approach for this issue as Roblox has text size limits.
Player can now no longer move camera when paused.
- This is standard in most games, could change if y’all want.
I’m currently on the fence about using Collection Service and Roblox’s Tag Editor. It would make developing different interactable objects easier to develop. (hundreds of coins, golden toast, bounce pads, etc.)
3/31/2023 Update:
You can now skip text animations.
Pausing now pauses the current music playing.
- I might make or get a soung for the pause menu.
Random Things:
- ‘Haptic feedback’ now refered to ‘Vibrations’ for better UX
- Pause menu now says ‘Paused’ instead of ‘Pause Menu’
- Donate UI moved around, and, ‘?’ part of UI is gone for better UX
- Fixed text scaling issues in settings menu
- Vibrations toned down for better UX
3/26/2023 Update:
System for toggling world-based particles and lights added. This should improve performance.
Tons more signs giving info on different content, all optional.
- Side note: (I should probably add a short hover message above each sign about what they talk about.)
3/17/2023 Update:
PB & Jay now uses Roblox’s Streaming Enabled service for better load times. If you encounter any issues, please be sure to let me know of them.
(Instance Streaming | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub)
New teleport sound effect because Roblox moderation and it needed to be updated anyways.
Bug Fixes:
- When exiting the cosmetics shop Mobile UI would pop-up on all devices, this is no longer the case.
3/14/2023 Update:
InputType system Bug-Fix!
Idle Animation Added:
- sitting down
- laying down
- sneezing
- going ‘nayyy!’ like a horse
Terrain / Enviornment Changes
- Cutting back on un-needed sides of terrain, making the bottom flat. (improve performance)
- Rocky start now has some places for the sun to come in, brighen up the area.
Lowered particle effect rates to preformance overall
- (semi-system in place for toggling them on a world basis.) (WIP)
Fixed bug where the bouncy mushroom would force the player to double jump.
Dev Notes:
I’m going to try using Roblox’s Steaming Enabled system in the future. It’s not yet enabled, or shouldn’t be for the build of the game that’s public/published.
3/4/2023 Update:
Controls Menu now hosts info about all controls. (Xbox, PC, and Mobile)
Controller Navigation Prompts Added.
- If a player is using a controller, and is in a menu where they’d need to navigate, a message on the right of the screen will pop-up telling the player how to navigate the menu. (‘select button’ on an Xbox remote)
Bug Fixes:
- Mobile UI buttons would previously disappear when going to the main menu and ‘continuing’ a game. This is no longer the case.
- Audio sliders previously had issues on mobile causing audio to change volumes oddly during gameplay. This is no long the case.
- Scaling issues with UI in the settings menu should be fixed.
Mobile Buttons can again be pressed when moving around. I feel using the input began
property provides a better playing experience than touchtap
. Previously you would have to stop moving before being allowed to sprint, dig, or interact with the world. This is no longer the case.
3/2/2023 Update
- Audio Volume Sliders are now functional.
- (find them in the Audio section of the settings menu)
- Game Audio now works!
- Who would’ve guessed that using the ‘SoungService’ would block audio from playing? Cause I didn’t!
- Additionally, Roblox doesn’t auto-parent audio to a sound group if it’s a ‘child’ of one. So, I had to fix that too.
2/25/2023 Update
- Haptic Feedback System (Controller Vibration)
- This can be toggled in under the settings menu in the ‘general’ tab.
- Turned on by default
2/23/2023 Update
- Mobile UI Changes & Fixes:
- Mobile button systems now use
instead of activated
. This makes the UI feel better, no more random issues with buttons when looking around.
- A bug used to occur sometimes where some buttons wouldn’t appear, this is no longer the case. (from my own tests.)
2/20/2023 Update
- Updated the breaking crate that drops coins.
- particles work again, collision issues fixed.
- Zipline system (try it out in the Testing World)
- New mob: Mini Snowman
- no idea if it should attack, run away, or just move around.
- (for Mt. Snowball World)
- it currently just roams around like the sheep in the testing world. You can also ram into it to kill it.
2/19/2023 Update
- New world in development → World 1 - Grasslands
- This is the new ‘World 1’, taking over ‘Rocky Start’. I feel like a grassland environment would be a better world to start off with.
- Sheep w/ bad AI, obvious Grey boxing, and grass…
- Additionally, I feel like the Rocky Start world should be renamed and be changed to focus on the digging mechanic that currently has no use in the game.
- World in development → World 4 - Mt. Snowball
- Ice physics in some areas
- Winter theme
- I like this world, it’s cool.
- This is how the game, worlds wise, is being planned:
- Grasslands
- Rocky Start (?)
- Nightfall Grove
- Mt. Snowball
- unknown (?)
- unknown (?)
- DLC extra world (?)
- Premium world (for people who have Roblox Premium) (?)
- You can now actually highlight the link for feedback now, and copy/paste it into google or whatever.
- Most worlds now teleport you if you far off the map for some reason. But why would you need to test that out…
Random Dev. Note:
It seems that updating Roblox Studio removed every particle in the game. After about half an hour, I re-added most particles back into the game. I have no idea why this happened, but I sure don’t want it happening again. Roblox is a headache sometimes.
1/9/2023 Update
- Coins
- new mesh & renders w/ optimized backend code
- now using a hitbox system
- Slight tweaks in colors for terrain
- this was done to make colors not as saturated
- Mushroom bounce pad
- bounces the player up, it’s inside the testing area.
Dev. Notes:
- I’ve been focused on other things as of recent, but I’m switching my approach on most things w/ this project. More time researching, taking notes, and working through things rather than just “jumping into studio.”
I’m trying to focus on optimization in the hopes that people can play w/ high graphics on low-end devices.
1/16/2023 Update
- Added more environmental details at spawn
- Ice block w/ physics added to Testing Area
- Different background music for the Hub World
1/9/2023 Update
- Clouds!
- Better options menu
- different categories (Graphics, General, and Audio)
- cloud toggle
- Audio (SFX and Background music) (not entirely functional)
- Fixed cutscene issues with freezing
1/7/2023 Update
- In-game UI to show how to pause the game. (p - computer, selection button - Xbox)
- More lights in Rocky Start so that players can actually see stuff.
- Starting cutscene for Rocky Start that shows where the end goal is.
- Fixed dialogue issue where Jay would wrongly tell inputs for sprinting. (Shift - computer, LT - Xbox)
12/11/2022 Update
- Fixed camera bug/error with the how to sprint cutscene. Shouldn’t cause major lag issues now.
12/4/2022 Update
- Infinite double jumping bug fixed
- Blur effect added when paused
- Tons of pause menu & main menu changes (anything in pause menu can now be found in the main menu)
11/26/2022 Update
- You can now unlock the rest of the HubWorld after completing Rocky Start. A cutscene has been added to show this clearly.
- Random cutscene changes:
- Timing & slight tweaks of positioning
- No more flashing black fade screen. As of now, this means you can now see Jay (NPC) teleport, which isn’t a nice thing to look at. Looking for solution to this.
- Added an ‘extras’ button that doesn’t open anything yet. This will later open a menu with possibly the following:
- Credits (w/ a list of music & sfx I’ve used)
- In-game Update-Log
- Concept art
Feel free to recommend things.
- Many internal code changes for optimization and readability. (many systems have been changed to use tables & functions instead of using 30+ different lines of code that basically do the same thing.)
11/25/2022 Update
- Built upon the music system w/ fade out & fade in of music
- Fixed some bugs related to clicking buttons and overall sound issues w/ the music system
- more work on ‘Pebble’ mob. (can be found in Rocky Start)
- Rocky Start:
- Lighting changes, should be easier to see stuff now.
- Arrow signs added around to guide player
- Random Terrain changes and some water
- Some areas are now locked to better guide players. Unlocking these walls will require completing worlds or tasks. (not great yet, but it works)
- Hitboxes for cutscenes w/ Jay have been made smaller (were kinda annoying before.)
- Talking sound effect added for Jay (npc), probably will change.
- Trying out walking sound effects, hard to find/make ones I like. Sticking mostly to the default for now.
Note to self: Add UI to clearly indicate pause controls after the player is idle. Fades, of course. Fade out when no longer idle. Not needed for mobile, only computer & Xbox.
11/24/2022 Update
- Sound effect for interacting with UI added
- Background Music system in the works:
- music for Hub-World & cosmetics shop are the only ones done for now
- Work on new enemy for Rocky Start (Pebble):
rock enemy thing on the left is pebble
May or may not make a YouTube devlog video. Editing takes time away from development, and I have high standards for myself.
- Working on a better mob system to make the process of creating mobs far easier with optimization/performance in mind. Pebble is a step in the right direct.
11/23/2022 Update
- Rocky Start Terrain changes w/ focus on level design
- Random things I do not remember. (check notes)
Note: Two weeks ago, from this update, I had lost my wallet and both my laptops would not charge/turn on. One of two laptops now works and the other might be water damaged due to a storm. I do not know exactly everything that had changed between 11/5/2022 and ~11/9/2022.
Note 2: I will most likely be rewriting a ton of things, again, and reworking the platforming mechanics to include a double jump, glide, and I don’t know what else. I personally didn’t like the thought of having a double jump, but having a wider move-set and thus wider skill ceiling is something I am now thinking about.
Not much of an artist, but here are some mob ideas:
11/5/2022 Update
- UI indicator added above shop in Hub-World
- Fixed two digging related bugs:
- Spamming the dig button on all platforms would break the game and send you flying backwards.
- Collision & transparency issues
- Began process of fleshing out Hub-World. (Modeled a new tree and spread out many around the Hub-World)
- Backend code changes (Sprinting and digging mainly.)
Note: Roblox was down and/or not working for some time.
11/4/2022 Update
- Updated digging particles and some backend code
- Donating using Mobile should now work
- Moving water works, mostly. Sometimes it doesn’t work, fix coming soon
- Random small random stuff I can’t remember. (Terrain bits, lighting tweaks in certain worlds, etc.)
Bugs from update:
- digging makes player invisible and animation doesn’t get to play.
10/30/2022 Update
- Start of using Update-Log
- idle animations
- donate system
- cosmetics shop framework & UI (not finished)
- revamp of Hub World
- revamp of Rocky Start World (new focus on level design) (NOT FINISHED)
- Testing Area, this is a place to test features and to put my assets.
- Going to the main menu from pause menu now works.
- Multiple other random stuff