I am struggling to get a crucial surface appearance to load into my game. When testing in studio, everything loads in perfectly; however, when testing in-game, the surface appearance has never successfully loaded. I have tried using :PreloadAsync()
and reuploading the textures, neither of which worked. This surface appearance is crucial to the game, and I’m worried that this small issue will majorly set back the game’s development. Any help is greatly appreciated!
The following are the problematic textures:
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This issue resolved itself. If anyone has further information regarding this please leave a comment for those who may experience this issue in the future.
It may be due to the Roblox Marketplace. Roblox needs to verify that your texture is appropriate(PROBABLY). Otherwise your texture is problematic.
The interesting thing is that this issue persisted for a few days, even before I made the bug report. I’ve never experienced moderation review taking so long. Especially when it’s such an arbitrary thing. If that is the case, it’s quite disappointing.
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I’m now having this issue, With morph parts.
They are all just grey now. (Not meant to be)