PBR Importing Help

is it possible to import 4k PBR?

In my experience I can only import 4k normal but unable to import 4k for metalness, color and roughness. Is there other way to make it possible? Thanks!

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Unfortunately, due to engine restrictions, you can only import 1024x1024 (or was it 2048x2048?) textures AFAIK. If you somehow imported a 4k texture, then that’s pretty cool, I’d like to know how you managed that.

If you’re using PBR just for fancy materials, just turn the tile size down on your material variant to create the illusion that the Roblox engine didn’t limit how large your textures can be by downscaling everything you uploaded.


You are only able to import any image at a max of 1024x1024 (no matter if it’s diffuse, normal, metalness, or roughness). It sucks but there’s nothing we can do about it at the current moment

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