Should I use pcall even though I know there is no reason for an object not to exist?
For example, I’m freely referring to Humanoid of another player’s character. I know that there is no scenario where the humanoid would not exist, unless the client is an exploiter and purposefully deletes that player’s humanoid.
In a case where a humanoid does not exist, the client would be introduced with a load of nasty bugs. Should I be concerned about this?
If you aren’t sure whether or not an object has loaded by the time the script has run, :WaitForChild() is always available for use. You will only ever need a pcall if the code is running asynchronously (HTTP, DataStores, etc).
It’s usually good practice to be sure if something exists. You dont have to use pcall though, you can always use FindFirstChild or WaitForChild depending on the situation.