When you go into Configure Group, and you look at the Summary of your Revenue, you will see the pending robux minus sales tax. For the Sales tab, however, this isn’t the case. You would go to it and see your product, but the pending robux shows the price without sales tax!
Purchase on Pinleon Studios
Note that there was only one purchase, and that is the purchase I will show you.
The summary, as you can see, shows pending robux as 7.
The sales, as you can see, shows pending robux as 10.
Purchase on Pinleon Entertainment
All you need to do is have someone buy a product, maybe have it as 10, it’s a nice number. When you look at the sales it will show 10, that being the price, and when you look at summary you will see 7, that being the price minus sales tax.
Other info
My groups are here: Pinleon Studios - Roblox, Pinleon Entertainment - Roblox
I just noticed this recently, so I do not know when this started to happen.