Pendulum Motion

I’ve been trying to learn how to make a pendulum motion by this post and some knowledge i’ve acquired by Khan Academy.

The problem is I can’t properly dampen a the motion of this bob around the origin.

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local radius = 12

local bob = script.Parent
local origin = workspace.Origin

local angle = 0
local vel = 0
local speed = 3
local drag = 0.5

	angle += .01
	vel = vel + (delta * drag * speed) + math.sin(delta)
	local c = radius * math.cos(vel)
	local s = radius * math.sin(vel)
	bob.CFrame = origin.CFrame *,s,0)

My current code above moves the bob in a constant circle in which it is not like pendulum motion. I’m trying to acquire pendulum motion like in the post above.