People are making flying machines on my game

My game has a building system where the blocks are un anchored and welded together. Well, when you make a two-block high pillar, put a trapdoor on top, and then delete the way bottom block, you’ll get the flying machine. You strap yourself in by flipping the trapdoor on yourself and you’ll start head gliding, going in any desirable direction extremely fast, and sometimes even levitating. I know there’s some way to fling them or turn them on their side if it detects some sort suspicious movement. Thanks for helping.

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Nobody can help you by just saying “people are making flying machines on my game”, at least provide a video and some of the games scripts.

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make trapdoors not collidable when activated


This is a weird take, but what if you made it into a mechanic? People are clearly doing it because it’s fun


It’s closed when you do this. Even if I made it non collidable when activated it wouldn’t do anything.

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Right. You have a activated debounce/cooldown of some sort right?


Yeah. You’re only allowed to open and close it where few seconds.

Can you just make the Parts Density really high?

I agree with this. If it doesn’t disrupt the gameplay then why remove it?

You could add an invisible collidable ceiling.


You could add so when a trapdoor is closed, move any player touching, up or down by x amount, depending on their height location.

There might be a way to flicker the can collide super quickly but if they were standing on it, they wouldn’t notice since it’d just be every 10 seconds or so. I’m trying this rn

Not sure if this would work, but you mentioned heads, what if you disable collision of the player’s heads?