People are playing my game, what now?

So 3 days ago I made a reddit post. It unexpectedly blew up and I have consistently gotten ~160 plays per day since. How do I keep my player base after the reddit post (my only source of players) dies? Will the game start being recommended to people?


If it has a good replay ability, then it should hold up fine, and people will talk to other people about the game, if they like it

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It may seem like just a demo from the reddit post, but this is a fully fledged game.

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Take a close look into what your players want from the game. Don’t hesitate to join random servers in your game and genuinely have a conversation with your players about the game and what they enjoy about it. Query what they want to see in the future so that you can provide value and excitement for your game. (Just like @ZDH_Dev has mentioned above.)

Obviously, this isn’t something to be done on a massive scale but you can certainly get a better idea of what will be the most beneficial update to your game just by speaking to 5-20 individuals.

Also, consider adding an automated feedback system that posts to a webhook or into some sort of data store. This way you can check real feedback without even needing to interact with the player themselves. You can have it neatly placed on a Surface Gui or within a Screen GUI and have that serve as your middle man from your players to yourself.

Using this mindset with development and updating your game, I have grown my own community of players to nearly 70k members. You need to listen to your player base, that’s one of the greatest things you can do to truly improve your game for your players and keep them coming back!

Great post! :slight_smile:


Now that’s the answer I’ve been looking for. Thanks for helping.


You are very welcome. It’s all about the players at the end of the day, right? It’s something that some developers lose sight of and can even intentionally ignore or disrespect their players. We all owe our players the respect and attention they deserve since after all they are appreciating our hard work and spending money in our games.

Have a great day.