Percent chances for Loot Boxes!

Hey there, I am working on loot boxes for my game, and I was wondering how I should go about the drop percentage, my items include, common, uncommon, rare, very rare, epic, and legendary. So do you have any ideas on I how I should do the percentages of getting a drop?

Do you really need so many rarities? I suggest you just stick to four: Common, rare, epic, and legendary. Six will make the rarities tighter than what they should be.

If you are planning on six, then maybe make the chances this:

  • Common - 50%
  • Uncommon - 20%
  • Rare - 15%
  • Very rare - 10%
  • Epic - 5%
  • Legendary 0.2%

This isn’t such a good list of rarities, and the chances don’t scale exponentially because the percent must be distributed over six rarities, and you want an exponential scale of chance.

Here are my suggested chances for four rarities:

  • Common - 60%
  • Rare - 25%
  • Epic - 13%
  • Legendary - 2%

See how nice and airy these chances are? Common is at 60%, which is the majority of the total chance, rare is at a nice 25%, which is moderately normal to get, epic is at 13%, making it more at a small chance so the player will at least get a bit excited if they get it, and legendary is at a tough 2%, making it much more rare and valuable, so it lives up to its name.


Common: 65%
Uncommon: 20%
Rare: 5%
Very Rare: 4.5%
Epic: 3.5%
Legendary: 2%

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not sure that’s how math works
80% + 50% + 20% + 5% + .25% = 155.25%

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but why couldn’t I just do like

  • common - 80%

  • uncommon - 50%

  • rare -30%

  • very rare - 15%

  • epic - 7%

  • legendary - 3%

It wouldn’t be that cramped

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You can’t do that because that doesn’t make up 100%. This will confuse players, and they won’t know the exact chance.

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you can have a look at my last post
Edit: what @GalaxyGourmet said

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Image 3-3-21 at 1.04 PM
Just keep in mind that the chances have to actually add up to 100%. Failure to do this is against Roblox’s virtual items policy and it can get you banned. The picture above adds up to 110%.

This is something I did for a personal project.
common1: 35%
common2: 25%
common3: 15%
rare1: 10%
rare2: 8%
epic1: 5.87%
legendary1: 1%
legendary2: 0.1%
legendary3: 0.02%
secret1: 0.01%

Hope this helps.

Also, try to have all the items at a less than or equal to 50% chance. This is just something I do to help keep my % equal to 100.

Oh I see ok yeah I’ll do that, thanks!

I don’t think you can get banned or even warned for that, it’s not against ToS that I know of.

If its for a currency that you can buy with robux, or if it costs robux then yes, you can get banned for it.
Here is a link. Anything against Roblox’s policies can get you banned. While in most cases you won’t get banned, it’s definitely a possibility.


Ah. Did not know that existed.
I guess you look over the rules more than I do lol.

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For a fair chance, I’d recommend
40% - Common
30% - Rare
15% - Epic
10% - Legendary
5% - Mythic
Or you could fake high numbers.

Would it make any difference the way I would set the percentage, if I had it like this: the way I have it is a scrolling loot box system, where it will randomly choose based on the percentage, the next box that will pop up, so should I make it easier to get a better item because they first have to get the percentage chance right, AND then you have to actually land on it. robloxapp-20210314-1837373.wmv (2.9 MB) this is my loot box system…

against tos btw

this post

that doesn’t make any sense to me so let me check that video out

You still have to disclose what percentages each are, meaning that it does matter.
Also there is a high chance the system would error out if you were to make it above 100%.
Edit: Randomized Virtual Items Policy | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I thuonk you should go with 5 rarities.

My suggested chances are.

Common - 60%
Uncommon - 25%
Rare - 10%
Epic - 4%
Legendary - 1%

Edit: And if you really wanted, you could add a secret/godly rarity that could be like 0.2% or less.

sorry, that isn’t what I meant, I am asking should I make the items a little easier to get, lets say a legendary or an epic, because they super rare for them even to appear, much less the line actually land on the items…

Wait, actually, would that be an accurate representation of the percentage, if it only was calculating the percentage of how many times it appears, not if you will land on it or not?