Performance issues and constant crashing on experience for console players but not for PC players

I’m not really sure how to explain this in much detail however,

A game/community that I am part of is constantly having performance issues for console players. Surprisingly, the game seems completely fine on PC.

There is a significant amount of “stuff” being thrown into the game’s memory, so things aren’t being spread out properly. I have no idea if I explained that properly but here’s the performance stats for an Xbox player.

I’ll try and explain it again in a way I completely understand.

  • Console players in this experience are having constant lag and the game is crashing quite often for them. However the game is fine for PC players. If anyone who knows about this stuff is able to help, the performance stats are above. I’m 99% sure this cannot be the map because the map is completely tiny and we’ve even swapped maps so we are all very sure it’s the game’s code.