Hey there!
I am making a game, where you must collect bricks to buy upgrades to get even more bricks.
Now, my problem: Each player is expected to have around 240 Parts (Bricks) lying on a field that respawn at extremely rapid rates. Now, the problem is the collection of these bricks.
The spawning of the parts doesn’t create much of any lag due to a bunch of optimizations that I have already done.
As for the collection, the microprofiler SCREAMS that the scripts are hellish for the game’s overall performance.
A player can have up to 10 builders who collect bricks, around 7 bulldozers that collect bricks as well and their own character, that also collects bricks. Each and every single one of these has a serverscript in their hitbox that triggers the collection.
I believe that collecting these parts through about 20 scripts individually isnt the best approach.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to collect the parts in a resource-friendly way?
Thanks in advance.
Also, I don’t really think this is a scripting problem in terms of lua, so I didn’t provide any code. For anyone who is curious either way:
-- Script parented to the builder model. --
local player: Player = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Player").Value
local char: Model = script.Parent
local BrickCollection = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):FindFirstChild("BrickCollection"))
local hitbox: Part = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):WaitForChild("ExtendedHitbox")
local ws = game:GetService("Workspace")
while hitbox do task.wait()
for _, v in pairs(ws:GetPartsInPart(hitbox)) do
-- Hold it right there! --
local on = v.Name
if on == "BrickA" or on == "BrickB" or on == "BrickC" or on == "BrickD" then
-- --
local brick = v
if brick:FindFirstChild("Player") ~= nil then
if brick:FindFirstChild("Player").Value == player then
BrickCollection.collect(hitbox, player, brick)