Performance Tab does not show memory getting garbage collected

Setting the keys of a dictionary table to a part and then setting those keys to nil does not garbage collect or the Performance tab does not update accordingly

The code:

The Performance tab in action:

Expected behavior

The PhysicsPart memory category should go back down to the same level as it was, after the parts are destroyed and references are nilled out.

Its probably because roblox doesnt really delete parts entirely, just the physical instance

I believe you’re still holding a reference to the original BasePart by using it as a table key. If you set the entire ListOfParts to {}, does the memory get correctly GC’ed?

You can see at line 17 all the keys within the table are set to nil. I have tried multiple combinations including the one you suggested and still the memory persists in the performance tab.

When I check the graph after the following code runs:

local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")


local ListOfParts = {}

for _ = 1, 250 do
	for _ = 1, 100 do
		local BasePart ="Part")
		BasePart.Parent = Lighting
		ListOfParts[BasePart] = {"data", true}

print(`Rem in 5 seconds`)




for BasePart, Data in ListOfParts do
	ListOfParts[BasePart] = nil

--ListOfParts = {}


It looks like this:

It first rises to 50 MBs, before then dropping to 1.7 after 5 seconds. Are you sure you just didn’t wait long enough for the system to figure out it can get rid of the parts?

:Destroy removes a part from memory as long as there are no remaining “references” to it, it’ll also disconnect any script connections to the part, such as .Touched.

EDIT: Hmm, the memory leak seems to only happen if run from the Command Bar in Edit mode. It even persists between Play Tests!

Performance tab versus the developer console:

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Here I run your code. All code is ran on the server in a script, not via the command bar.

It displays 53MB in the developer console also.

Thanks for the report! Forwarding to the team.