Latest version: procedular grass - Roblox
I made a Grass System that uses Perlin noise to imitate wind,
this was inspired by the great system that Ghost of Tsushima and the great talk that
Eric Wohllaib gave on the procedular grass system: Procedural Grass in 'Ghost of Tsushima' - YouTube
Feedback is appreciated mostly on how I could make it look better
It looks great, but in my opinion, you should make it a bit shorter. But if i ignore that it looks great in my opinion.
The grass is a bit too tall and there’s a little too much wind for my liking, but it does look great.
(1st video makes it seem laggy though)
damn this is old buuuuuuut i come here not to meaninglessly point out that its old but i bring great news!
i bring you grass but more grass!
coming from
40k grass blades to a total of
also a lot of custom lod to make it more performant on even higher scales as the past system did not scale very well
if anyone wants to try it then:
(be warned this fires 250k raycasts to place the grass so it can dynamically adapt to the height of the terrain or any parts/meshes)
That’s so coooool! I really like the idea.
Can this get maybe an optimization for it to run better?
@IcyMonstrosity you should make the grass interactive and also it looks amazing
wait why are you using raycasts to place grass?