Perlin Noise, Random terrain generation


I am IDontWantToBuild and I working on Perlin Noise Random Terrain generation, you give it a number and depending on the number it will generate a different terrain,

I need feedback to improve my system. What do you think I can improve or add?, actually I have some things to add like biomes to make the terrain more realistic, trees and some other minor things to reduce lag, now a chunk have 2500 parts, so that’s very laggy.

Thanks for reading!


I’ve always loved Perlin Noise, great work!

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Cool stuff. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of terrain generation and I’m excited to see what’s next for future updates!

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I think I will make it open source, In some days it will be done

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Nicely done and a great start!

Some feedback that I’d like to add is that the land is quite flat and it’d be cool if you could make some parts hilly/amplified. (Take your time on experimenting with this though!)

Caves would also be pretty awesome as well!

I’m working on terrain generation too and I’ve managed to add caves to my generation though it’s still contingent.

One final thing that I could suggest is vegetation like trees, grass and flowers. It’ll make the land look more alive! :grin:

(I hope this is useful!)


I’ve worked with perlin noise for map generation before. Did you try to parent all the parts at the end of your script it did help reduce the lag on my part.

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Caves, that’s good, I will try to add them, but first I need to do biomes, It’s almost done. Now the terrain is painted by biome, I only need to change the terrain generation for every biome, so tomorrow, I will start with caves.

I already have amplified, as you can see in my screen.

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