Hello, i’m currently working on auto generating terrain using perlin noise. I ran into a few issues with the script and i’m not sure how to fix them. Here’s the script:
You haven’t defined mapsize anywhere so it’s just going to error.
Or seed or size infact. You’ve basically got the script without the variables it needs.
I was looking at a tutorial and it did not mention that. How would I define those variables? I have never done perlin noise.
Defining variables isn’t related to Perlin noise, it’s a standard part of programming.
Hope this helps?
Basically all variables that has that blue line below them are ‘undefined’.
At the top of your script write:
local mapsize = 20
local seed = 12930129309
local size = 4
Perlin-noise map generation is super tricky tho, I’d suggest you start with something more simple to learn how to script.