Permanent freeze with Pathfinding having WaypointSpacing=0 and ending Playtest

Repro steps:

  1. Download and open the Repro File:
    pathfinding-freeze-test.rbxl (53.9 KB)
  2. Press F8 or click Run button
  3. Shift+F5> or click Stop Playtest button

Expected behavior:
The playtest should end. The :ComputePath call should (probably) error instead of freezing and never returning, giving a message such as “WaypointSpacing cannot be 0”.

Actual behavior:

As seen above, when I hit the “Stop playtest” button, Studio freezes and can’t be interacted with, as the Pathfinding computation never finishes on the pathfinding thread (or, that’s what I assume is occurring).

Occurs regardless of whether the new algorithm is used.

Frequency: Always
First experienced: (Likely) over a year ago


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.