Permit complete removal from "My Creations"

Frequently I replace an asset (Decal, Audio, Mesh) with an updated version. I would like the ability to declutter the “My Creations” sub-tab under the “Develop” main tab on the web site by removing assets that I no longer want displayed. This is of particular significance with regard to meshes. While trying to get a mesh just right in studio, it gets uploaded multiple times and I am left with multiple copies of imperfect meshes, none of which need to be displayed and only clutter the view.


Why doesn’t ROBLOX let us completely erase assets from the site?

On a similar note, as I’m sure not a lot of people are aware (or at least care) deleting an asset from your inventory only deletes it from your inventory. Users can easily find your precious Decal and Mesh IDs under your name in the Develop tab.


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I guess the same argument as always: if someone uses your asset in their places (it could have been a free model once), then deleting it can have pretty confusing/big side effects.

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A fair point, although I would think that free models already inserted in places cannot be deleted, so there wouldn’t be too much damage done. I’m not sure what to say about Decals, Audio, and Meshes, I guess the people using them would just have to find new ones.

Generally if a non-Model asset used by many people is deleted then I should think that the creator wanted them to stop using it, or otherwise had to take it down.

because if a hacker gets on to your account, they can delete your places and audios and stuff that you worked on, what we really need is a junk box where we can throw un needed assets.


Or just hide the ones that are currently removed from your inventory

Just add an option to unlist items from the catalog (and my creations etc) similarly to how you can unlist videos on YouTube.
Problem solved.