Persistent streaming mode for player character does not respect ScreenGui.ResetOnSpawn

When I turn a player character’s ModelStreamingMode to Persistent, it does not respect the ResetOnSpawn property of the ScreenGuis that are under my PlayerGui. My ScreenGui still resets on spawn, even though ResetOnSpawn is set to false.

System information

Reproduction file. Reset your character and you will notice that the LocalScript prints multiple times. This is because the ScreenGui is resetting its contents.
repro.rbxl (54.6 KB)

Expected behavior

If everything was working correctly, then the ScreenGui would not reset its contents when ResetOnSpawn is set to false.


I found this bug today. This also occurs when setting the streaming mode for a player’s character to anything other than the default “Nonatomic”.

Thanks for this bug report, we will investigate.


We have implemented a fix for this issue and hope to enable it next week.

Thanks for bringing this problem to our attention.


The fix has been enabled for this bug. Thanks again for reporting it and sharing the repro.

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