Personal GFX Creation


I Would like to read some suggestions from you guys! This took a lot of time for me to do I had some rendering issue I almost give up on it. but I didn’t in the end xd

(I’m not good at photoshop and editing I tried.)


OMG! That’s so good! I really like the amount of detail! I am glad you didn’t give up on it :grin:!
Keep up the great work!

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30 Char


One thing that I noticed might make this look weird but the back ground. I’m not sure what I would do, but it just seems a bit odd.

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i didnt know what to put there xd

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Perhaps make the background vintage. Make it a detailed background with books, shelves, clothes, a closet, etc. Or, you make it dirt with wooden beams across to act like he is underground.
But if you’re not up for that, you could just use a more brown/darker/dirtier background and then add a vignette to focus on the character.
This is just an idea.


its cool creation … I maybe can’t make better when it

I love this GFX, it’s so GOOD! I don’t think I need to change anything about this! I think it’s perfect the way it is!