What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to achieve a pet following system where the pets are in rows and columns behind the player. -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
I’m having issues trying to figure out how to get the Bigger pets I have to be in the very back of all the pets when equipped. I got the normal pets to work fine.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I’ve tried googling it, Ive asked a couple of developer friends. I tried using chat gpt but nothing worked.
In the screen shots you can see that the normal pets work fine, but when I equip the bigger pet it doesnt lock itself to the back of the character. In the gyazo I show what happens when the big pet gets equipped. I want the big pet to automatically get put in the back of whatever pets already equipped.
This is my code so far so any help is appreciated.
function PetClass:FollowCharacter()
if self.Connection ~= nil then
self.Connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(deltaTime: number)
local folder = self.RenderedPets
local character = self.Player.Character
-- Define the number of rows and columns for the pets
local numRows = 2 -- Adjust as needed
local numColumns = 2 -- Adjust as needed
local distance = 3 -- Adjust the distance between pets as needed
-- Define bobbing parameters
local bobbingAmplitude = 0.3 -- Adjust the amplitude of the bobbing
local bobbingFrequency = 0.3 -- Adjust the frequency of the bobbing (slower)
-- Define the additional orientation offset (in radians)
local bigPetOrientationOffset = math.rad(0) -- Adjust this value to make big pets look in the correct direction
local normalPetOrientationOffset = math.rad(-90) -- Adjust this value to make normal pets look in the correct direction
-- Define the vertical offset for big pets
local bigPetVerticalOffset = 6 -- Adjust this value to raise big pets above the ground
local function getPosition(row, col, distance)
-- Calculate the position for each pet in columns centered behind the player
local xOffset = (col - (numColumns + 1) / 2) * distance
local zOffset = (row - 0) * distance
return xOffset, zOffset
local playerRootPart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if not playerRootPart then
return -- HumanoidRootPart not found, exit
local playerPosition = playerRootPart.Position
local bigPets = {}
local normalPets = {}
for i, pet in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
-- Check if the pet is a big pet based on an attribute
local isBigPet = pet:GetAttribute("IsBigPet") == true
-- Calculate the row and column for the pet
local row = math.floor((i - 1) / numColumns) + 1
local col = (i - 1) % numColumns + 1
-- Calculate the position for the pet in columns centered behind the player
local xOffset, zOffset = getPosition(row, col, distance)
-- Calculate the yOffset with bobbing effect
local time = tick()
local yOffset = bobbingAmplitude * math.sin(2 * math.pi * bobbingFrequency * time)
-- Calculate the pet's position directly behind the player
local petTargetPosition = playerPosition - playerRootPart.CFrame.rightVector * xOffset - playerRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * zOffset
-- Modify the position based on pet size
local _, petSize = pet:GetBoundingBox()
local sizeOffset = (petSize - Vector3.new(1, 1, 1)) / 2
-- Use lerp for smoother motion
local smoothness = 0.5 -- Adjust this value for smoother or more abrupt motion
local currentPetPosition = pet.PrimaryPart.Position
local newPetPosition = currentPetPosition:Lerp(petTargetPosition + Vector3.new(0, yOffset, 0) - sizeOffset, smoothness)
-- Calculate the orientation LookAt CFrame towards the player's HumanoidRootPart
local orientationCFrame = CFrame.new(newPetPosition, playerPosition)
-- Apply an orientation offset for big pets
if isBigPet then
-- Add vertical offset to raise big pets above the ground
yOffset = yOffset + bigPetVerticalOffset
-- Calculate the orientation LookAt CFrame towards the player's HumanoidRootPart for big pets
orientationCFrame = CFrame.new(newPetPosition, playerPosition) * CFrame.Angles(0, bigPetOrientationOffset, 0)
-- Calculate the orientation LookAt CFrame towards the player's HumanoidRootPart for normal pets
orientationCFrame = CFrame.new(newPetPosition, playerPosition) * CFrame.Angles(0, normalPetOrientationOffset, 0)
pet:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(orientationCFrame + Vector3.new(0, yOffset, 0))