Hello, everybody
I have a script where it fires a remote if the player Equips a pet, but in order for the remote event to fire the script has to pass a few if statements. The issue is that I don’t think the if statements are passed since the output is not running the print about the dog(code below) No errors in output
Local Script
local Equip = script.Parent
local template = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
Equip.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- when player clicks Equip, the Equip is a Ui that prompts players
Equip.Text = "Equipped"
local EquippedValue = template:WaitForChild("EquippedValue")
EquippedValue.Value = "Equipped" -- value in template to store info
for _, child in pairs(template:GetChildren()) do -- checking all children of template
if child:IsA("Folder") and child.Name == "Cat" then
elseif child:IsA("Folder") and child.Name == "Dog" then -- confirming that child is the Dog
print("Dog is a valid child of template") -- this is print statement i am talking about
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local EquipPet = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("EquipPet")
EquipPet:FireServer() -- then the remote event fires
print("Pet is already Equipped") -- this will not run aswell
You could see that the Dog is located there and I have clicked Equipped, but the print will not run