Pet system pet picker

I have a pet that chooses a pet, but I don’t want all the pets to have an equal chance. I want it to read from a list of the percentage of the pet (look below). But I don’t want the value to be hardcoded incase I want to change it in the future.

local percent = {
 Pet1 = 20;
 Pet2 = 20;
 Pet3 = 20;
 Pet4 = 20;
 Pet5 = 10;
 Pet6 = 10;

I tried to use math.random() but since the numbers are the same, that didn’t work. Then I tried using a weight system, but that create the same problem as before, they all had a equal chance.


20(3) + 10(2) doesn’t add up to 100. This could be a problem.

Sorry that was just a type, in the code it has six (20(4), 10(2))

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Make a table holding all the values.

from there sort the table from lowest to highest.

for i = 1,#percent do
    if math.Random(percent[i],100) == 1 then
        -- They got it give them pet

This way it doesnt have to add up to 100. Though I would add something at the end that is 100% chance just in case they don’t get anything before then.

I want it to use the list

local percent = {
 Pet1 = 20;
 Pet2 = 20;
 Pet3 = 20;
 Pet4 = 20;
 Pet5 = 10;
 Pet6 = 10;

I recommend looking at this. But you’ll need to change your dictionary into a list.
To something like:

pets = {{"Pet1", 5},  {"Pet2", 10},  {"Pet3", 30}} -- you will not need to make the weighted values add up to 100 for this

How to I make the things have a certian weight?

You change the values next to the pets name(the next element in the table)

In your case to get a random pet youll need to (i recommend looking at the post if you want to understand more because im pretty much copy and pasting code from there)

local Pets = {
-- you can add as many pets as you want here and just change the value 

local TotalWeight = 0

for _,ItemData in pairs(Pets) do
	TotalWeight = TotalWeight + ItemData[2]

local function chooseRandomItem()
	local Chance = math.random(1,TotalWeight)
	local Counter = 0
	for _,ItemData in pairs(Pets) do
		Counter = Counter + ItemData[2]
		if Chance <= Counter then
			return ItemData[1]

local randomPet = chooseRandomItem()
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I want multiple items to have the same rarity. But with this, all of the items have to have a different rarity.

If you want some items to have the same rarity just use the same value for them

local Pets = {
--[[you can add as many pets as you want here and just change the value
       Pet5 and Pet4 would have the same chance in this instance

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Try out this system:

local percent = {
 Pet1 = {1, 20};
 Pet2 = {21, 40};
 Pet3 = {41, 60};
 Pet4 = {61, 80};;
 Pet5 = {81, 90};
 Pet6 = {91, 100};

local function RandomPet()
    local RandNum = math.random(1, 100)

    local ChosenPet
    for name, numbers in pairs(percent) do
        if RandNum >= numbers[1] and RandNum <= numbers[2] then
            ChosenPet = name

    print(ChosenPet .. " was chosen.")

Each pet has their own numbers inside the range of 1-100, it’s sort of like a ticket system where some pets have more tickets than others. For example pet 1 has all the tickets between the numbers 1 and 20. The script picks a random number (ticket) between 1 and 100 and sees which pet has that ticket. It then prints which pet was chosen.

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