Phaes | Affiliate Information

phaes - Affiliate Application
:link: phaes - Roblox

Thank you for your interest in forming an affiliation with phaes! In order to have your group affiliated with us, please make sure that you meet all the requirements below (no exceptions). If you meet our requirements, please send your application to a Public Relations member+. Keep in mind we are looking to build a healthy relationship with other groups in the industry, as well as seeing us mutually benefit from forming this affiliation.

:warning: REQUIREMENTS: Please note, all of these requirements must be met in order to be considered for an affiliation. We do not allow exceptions.

  • Group must have at least 70 members.
  • Group must have a non-toxic environment and staff team.
  • Group must have active members.
  • Group must be professional and well-rounded.
  • Group must have an established Public Relations team to attend and shout phaes events.
  • Group must have a stable and active communications server.

:warning: AFFILIATE QUESTIONS: Please note, all of these questions must be answered in order to be considered for an affiliation. The best way to answer these questions is to copy and paste them on a document.

(1) What is the name of the group you are applying on behalf of?

(2) Why do you wish to form a partnership with phaes? How can we mutually benefit eachother?

(3) How many members are currently in your group?

(4) Please list 2 group representatives to represent at phaes.

(5) Please link your ROBLOX group and communications server below.

Once again, phaes would like to thank you for showing an interest in forming an affiliation with us. Please keep in mind that our Public Relations team will review your application and inform you of the results within 72 hours. If you have any questions regarding the information given or the document overall, please message one of our Public Relation members.

:page_facing_up: Written by the phaes Public Relations Department.
:calendar: Last updated: 08/19/2023.