Phantom Forces Information

Phantom Forces information topic

Spawning issues!

If you’re having issues spawning in, and it goes to a scene like the image below, please try the following:

  • Changing your melee weapon to regular knife on the classes that you are having the issue on.

  • Check both your primary and secondary weapons for attachments that don’t exist anymore, and take off attachments on both entirely. Then try spawning

  • If it still doesn’t work, then contact me.

Image of spawn issue

In game commands

/votekick:username - Starts a votekick on a specific user
Lets say you want to votekick Semaphorism, you can either write full name, or a part of it.

  • /votekick:Semaphorism
  • /votekick:Sema - This will work if no one else in game has the name that starts with Sema.

/report:username:reason:evidence - See below

/switch:team - Changes your team, only works in VIP servers.
Example: /switch:gho - will switch to ghosts.

Update Archive

[3.9.3] Minor Patch (4/29/2018)
  • Added some things to help narrow down saving issues.
  • Attempted (again) to fix dying on spawn.
  • Buffed the AUG A2.
[3.9.2] Minor Patch (4/29/2018)
  • ACOG sights should be improved
  • Reduced sniper scope sway by 60%
  • Fixed various sight bugs
  • Fixed being unable to spawn with canted sights on certain guns
[3.9.0] Minor Patch (4/29/2018)
  • Added realistic behaving red dot sights
  • Updated scope movement and added blur effects
  • Added laser beam effects
  • Minor gun patches and fixes
  • Security updates
[3.8.2] Minor Patch (4/29/2018)
  • Improved squad spawning system to avoid spawning in areas where you fall to death right away
  • DBV-12 balance changes
[3.8.1] New Shotguns (4/23/2018)
  • Added SAIGA-12 shotgun
  • Added Spas-12
  • Added DBV-12
[3.7.0] New LMG (4/10/2018)
  • Removed Dust 1/2
  • Added the MG3KWS
  • Increased the Henry’s torso multiplier to 1.55, allowing it to one hit kill to the torso up to 80 studs.
  • Reduced the SCAR-H’s range and removed it’s 1.1 torso multiplier. Halved it’s reserve ammo.
  • Slightly decreased the G36’s model recoil recovery speed, and reduced range minimally, along with a 1 point damage reduction.
  • Reduced the M16A4’s one burst range to 55 studs rather than 85.
  • Reduced the M4’s one burst range to 35 studs rather than 50.
[3.6.1] Internal Patch (3/25/2018)
  • Added banland for exploiters to play with exploiters only.
  • Added /switch:team command (Only works in VIP servers) Example:
  • Suburbia changes
  • Internal stuff
[3.6.0] New SMG (3/15/2018)
  • Added PPSH
  • Added Ruins map
  • Added Dust map (WIP)
[3.5.1] New Pistol (3/1/2018)
  • New M45A1 Pistol
  • Miner internal patches and small additions
[3.5.0] Internal Patch (2/27/2018)
  • Fixed some non-important things to the user
  • Fix for a data load error that caused a hang
  • Fix to spawn delay and internal round problems
  • New case
  • Fix for unintended skin behavior
  • Fix for data load errors
[3.4.2] Internal Patch (2/23/2018)
  • Fixed some internal data related things, possibly stops server crashes.
[3.4.1] Ammo Types (2/1/2018)
  • Fixed some moderation stuff
  • Fixed player points being awarded in private servers
  • Changed large message handling, instead of just denying 100+ character messages, if its longer than 80 characters, it’ll cut it off at 80th character and add a “…” to the end
  • Added 2 new ammo types for some weapons, This includes Armor Piercing and Hollow Point rounds. They can be found in Other category!
[3.4.0] New Revolver
  • Added the 1858 New Army revolver

Reporting exploiters

If you ever encounter an exploiter in game, here are the steps to report users. You should report using both ROBLOX report system and our own, we can only ban them from Phantom Forces however.

What can you report people for?

Our moderators are limited in numbers, so we’d prefer the user you are reporting is exploiting. We may not even be able to deal with reports not exploiter related due to limited resources.

However you can report people for the following:

  • Exploiting of any type
  • Harassment/bullying
  • Spamming the chat

How do you report?

Example: Say you’re reporting Builderman for fly hacking, but you do not have evidence, you would do

/report:builderman:Fly hacking

Including evidence

/report:builderman:Fly and some extra screenshots.

*Remember: colon separates the reason and the evidence, make sure not to have any colons in your reason or evidence.

How are the reports handled?

We have game moderators that will review the reports, and even follow the players into the game to check for themselves! Don’t worry if someone false reports you to us, reporting someone doesn’t mean they will get banned from the game, we only ban if we have evidence to support the ban, basically innocent until proven guilty.

We won’t share internal workings, but I can say it works!

Join our ROBLOX group!

Are you a fan? join our group at StyLiS Studios - Roblox

Follow our Twitter as well!

Need support?

When contacting us: Include as much information as possible


Check the Social media section on our game page!


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