Photobooth is a plugin that allows you to capture images of the workspace or UI elements entirely in Roblox studio.
Notably, it features the ability to remove skyboxes/backgrounds from images and bindings to allow developers to write their own capture workflows.
Results are output as editable images stored as a mesh part’s texture.
Photobooth has a couple of limitations that are worth noting. For most users these will likely not be of significant impact, but I’m listing them here so people can see them before purchase.
- No capture can be larger than 1024 x 1024 since that’s the limit of editable images.
- As of v0.3.0 and above there are no longer size limits, but there are some stipulations. Please read the “Full Viewport Captures” section for more details.
- Photobooth can only be used during edit mode in studio. It cannot be used to capture anything during a studio play session.
- The built-in upload feature is currently disabled. You can still upload, but you have to write code to do it yourself. Read more about this further down the post.
- Using the emulator + photobooth only works correctly when on “actual resolution”
- The viewport must be visible when capturing. You cannot tab out of studio or switch to the script editor while a capture is in progress.
Skybox removal:
- No atmosphere / fog support.
- Anything that cannot be frozen in place on screen is not supported. For example:
- Terrain grass.
- Force-field material.
- Retro color grading is highly recommended for best results, but not mandatory.
- See the OS scaling section below
Warning: This plugin will cause the screen to flash when removing skyboxes. Those with photosensitive epilepsy are advised caution when using this plugin.
This plugin can be used for automation purposes. An example use case might be capturing icons for all the inventory items in your game thereby allowing you to avoid using viewport frames which are more expensive than traditional images.
To use this feature open the viewer and in the settings menu toggle “Bindings” to true
Roblox may prompt you for script injection permissions.
This will create a ModuleScript
underneath ServerStorage
which provides a typed interface that can be used to create automated capture workflows. Included are a couple of common template workflows to get you started.
For example:
local Photobooth = require(game.ServerStorage.PhotoboothBindings)
local capture = Photobooth.captureViewport(, 0, 300, 300), "NoSkybox")
capture.Name = "Example"
capture.Parent = game.ServerStorage
Fullscreen captures can be made with bindings by passing a rect that represents the viewport. I.e.
local viewportSize = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize
local capture = Photobooth.captureViewport(, viewportSize), "NoSkybox")
OS scaling
With the advent of high resolution monitors many computers use scaling options built into their operating system to ensure that applications rendered on screen are not too small. Roblox however, always captures in full resolution leading to a number of UX problems.
Photobooth will attempt to resolve this issue automatically, but for the highest quality image when using bindings it is strongly recommended to use your monitor’s true resolution.
i.e. use scale 100% and the display resolution that matches your monitor.
Full Viewport Captures
Normally editable images have a 1024x1024 limit. However, it is possible to circumvent this by capturing the entire viewport window. You can toggle to full viewport capture mode in the settings menu.
To set an arbitrary size you can either resize your viewport (not recommended) or take advantage of custom device resolutions on the emulator.
It’s very important that you use the “Actual Resolution” option when capturing in the emulator. For very large dimensions that don’t fit on screen I recommend temporarily switching to “Fit to Window”, setting up the scene, and then switching back to “Actual resolution” once you’re ready to capture.
Note: Full viewport captures will result in images with their dimensions as
viewportSize * osScale
. It is highly recommened to adjust your display settings such that os scale is(1, 1)
when using full viewport captures.
Saving Captures as PNGs
If you want to save any of the plugin captures to your computer, you can do so by right clicking the exported mesh part and selecting “Export Selection”.
This will prompt you to export the mesh in .obj
format which will include the texture of the mesh in .png
format. Both the .obj
and .mtl
files can be discarded.
If you want to export many images at the same time. First group all the mesh parts together as a model and then export that model.
This feature is currently disabled!
Uploading will be enabled in the future once Roblox provides the proper security tooling to allow creator store plugins to upload assets on your behalf. More detail from Roblox here.
For now, developers will have to write their own code to upload editable images.
Sample Code
local ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "UploadResult"
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local SelectionService = game:GetService("Selection")
for _, selected in SelectionService:Get() do
if selected:IsA("MeshPart") and not selected:GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME) then
local content = selected.TextureContent
local object = content and content.Object
if object and object:IsA("EditableImage") then
local result, value = AssetService:CreateAssetAsync(object, Enum.AssetType.Image, {
Name = selected.Name,
Description = "",
IsPackage = false,
if result == Enum.CreateAssetResult.Success then
selected:SetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, `rbxassetid://{value}`)
When this feature is enabled this is what the upload process will look like:
If you’ve been using the plugin for awhile I appreciate leaving a review + thumbs up on the creator store. It helps others discover this plugin as well!
Change Log
- Adds a more generalized React hook for using the selected editable image of an instance
- Fixes a rounding issue when calculating the capture rect in cropped viewport mode with OS scales that aren’t
(1, 1)
- Add
to bindings. This returns the semver of the plugin in string form. - Fix fullscreen captures when os scale is not
(1, 1)
- The resulting dimensions of the capture in this case will be
viewportSize * osScale
- The resulting dimensions of the capture in this case will be
- The action bar now scales when using a very tiny viewport window + fullscreen mode.
- Fix issue where parallel luau compositions wouldn’t work for images with height < 32 pixels.
- The dimensions text label in the gallery now uses a fixed size and moves to the bottom left corner when the image is not wide enough.
- Use parallel luau for image composition.
- The algorithm for removing backgrounds is significantly faster now.
- Removed the full screen action and instead added a toggle to the settings menu
- Fix rounding error for display size in full viewport capture mode
- Refactor bindings module
- Remove the drop shadow UI template
- This template felt too complex for a basic example so I removed it. In the future I’d like to create a public repository that the community can contribute templates of all varieties. The drop shadow template would likely make its return there in some form.
- Add full viewport capture support (say goodbye to the 1024x1024 limit)
- Alpha bleeding changes:
- Fix incorrect assumption about bleeding one pixel
- Add option to disable alpha bleeding
- Add ability to change background of an image being viewed in the gallery by right clicking
- Icons no longer use local assets and instead all have asset ids
- Uploading an editable image no longer makes a copy before opening the upload wizard
- Attempting to capture with a mismatched OS scale now warns
- Add support for transparent glass
- Check for
API to show / hide upload button
- Add new plugin action (
Photobooth Focus
) which allows user to focus their camera on a selection and fit the capture frame in the viewport - Alpha bleed fixes
- Algorithm now only bleeds one pixel which saves a lot of time on images with a lot of transparency
- Fix algorithm mistake where pixels could sample their neighbors before they should be allowed to
- Add full color correction support!
- Fix maintain aspect ratio when holding ctrl and dragging viewport corners
- Unify plugin names:
- “Photo Booth” → “Photobooth”
- “Viewer” → “Gallery”
- Gallery button properly toggles off when player closes the dock minimized
- Add version number in the settings