Photorealistic backrooms (with poolrooms) game

Hello, I am making a photrealistic backrooms and poolrooms game, what do you think ?
(Updates in replies)
(Ignore the ugly UI)


(The ceiling is a bit ugly, I might change it later).

What do you think ? How can I improve it ?

There’s also the old version

Which one do you prefer ?

You can also play the game

Poolrooms test


The game looks good so far! Personally, I would try and improve the floor’s texture as it currently looks very solid and bland.

If you have extra time, you could try and mess with the UI design a bit to fit the overall aesthetic :slight_smile:

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Thanks! About the GUI, I am working on it. For the floor, I use roblox’s fabric texture. I’ll change it



This looks amazing!

I do recommend changing the UI to more, matching colors.

I would change it to Black, with invisible text, allowing you to see through it.

This is very early development I assume, so it’s probably just a temporary design.


Thank you! Yes this is in early development, so that’s why the gui looks cartoonish.

  • Add a depth of field
  • Increase a bit shadow softness.
  • and add a bloom effect to the lights
  • color correction

Trust me it will look much more realistic then.
I also recommend you to enable 1st person by default and to add a camera animation


Unfortunately, there’s no way to change light’s shadow softness, it’s only available for the sun. There’s bloom, the screenshots are pixelated, so it might be hard to see it there, I think I’ll add more bloom. I already use color correction. Adding depth of field was something I wanted to do for a long time, I’ll add it soon.
The final game will be in first person, it’s in development.

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Se ve bien, pero podría ser más realista si le sumas algo de textura transparente procedural a la textura actual de las paredes; se ven iguales, se ven bien, pero es una idea para mejorar. 10/10

Good, yeah I think you should add more bloom too, and yeah I tested DoF on a backroom game I made when I was bored, but never released and it was good looking.

If you find some PBR textures for your backroom map, I also recommend you to use those as it can improve shadows.

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I wouldn’t call it photorealistic, the contrast is too noticeable on the 1st level so I recommend toning it down a little.

Next the 1st level is also too yellow, and I don’t think that looks too good. Maybe make the level a bit more orange instead of yellow?

The Poolrooms is good enough though. Good job :+1:

Es absurdamente bueno. Pero podrías incluir texturas en “.png” sobre las texturas de las paredes y similar, para darle un toque como de rascaduras o suciedad, algo un poco fuera de lo minimalista. Se ve increíble de cualquier manera 10/10. Me gusta mucho

Wow is very good, you work is good but use texture of dirty of formate PNG in my opinion it will be seen exelent

The real trick to making the lighting good is to use point lights and surface lights. also pbr textures greatly enhance everything


I do use PBR textures, I think I’ll change them, I don’t use point lights and surface lights to simulate global illumination because of their specular light.
Your map looks good but I think it feels too “indoors”, I prefer “outdoor” poolrooms, that’s the reason why my poolrooms use a different artsyle.