Photorealistic Coral Reefs - Showcase & qna

This is too amazing wow. I am curious how were you
able to create realistic water like that?


I’m flattered yes ofc you can use it

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reef mesh beneath the water, rock meshes work too but if you dont want lag i’d suggest making a lowpoly rock group as a single mesh & then texturing them and stretching them across your body of water

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no it’s normal vanilla roblox terrain

Don’t post things that are not about Roblox here. This is Unreal Engine for sure. Right?

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Wow, I’m amazed by these pictures, keep up the great work.

here are some wallpapers for yall


maan its hard to believe you can make something like this in roblox its very beautiful <3

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What lighting do you use in roblox studio? Looks awesome!

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Roblox only reflects the skybox, so how?
Can you make a community tutorials? #resources:community-tutorials. Please?

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No. Stop being confused. Look carefully in the pictures and what he posted here.

This is one of the ways. This is going to be Roblox in the future, you’d have to get used to it :wink:

Amazing! This is the most realistic build I’ve ever seen!

This is unbelievable. I seriously thought these were photos at first glance.

My PC is about to explode just from processing how laggy it must be though.

Do you have any plans to release these builds to the public?

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This is inasne! I love it! Keep up the good work!

Excellent work! The atmosphere color makes it look like a real artwork! Truly amazing!!! :smile:

The first picture is Roblox? :open_mouth:

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i use future is bright 3 for the lights

yes, once fib3 releases to everyone

Actually, I don’t have any questions because I know how to do it.
However, I would like to tell you that your work looks very, very good!

man how do you make the terrain look so good :eyes:

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