PhysicalPropertiesMode.Legacy is going away May 23rd [GONE NOW]

Just a reminder that come Monday, you will no longer be able to switch to PhysicalPropertiesMode.Legacy, and any games with it set will be automatically moved up to PhysicalPropertiesMode.Default (which is New). This should’ve already been announced for a long time to users still editing games in Studio that are using PhysicalPropertiesMode.Legacy.

Please note: This has absolutely NOTHING to do with PGS. This is only related to the feature that exposed Density, and added a new system for customizing Friction and Elasticity.

More info on the feature can be found here:


Heyo, I know the classic tools are pretty much dead and all, but could you upload this fix I made to the classic superball tool?
I edited the code to make it use CustomPhysicalProperties instead of the old properties.

ClassicSuperballFix.rbxm (4.8 KB)

Ah good catch. I’ll get the process going to fix that. Thanks!