Physics becomming "jumpy" at a certain moving speed


(I hope i placed this in the correct catagory now)

this evening i have started noticing that my trains started to bounce like crazy after a certain speed, which did not happen earlier today. This only happens in new servers (created within the past hour or so). has there been any physics related updates?

Here are the places that this is happening in: Ro-Scale Netherlands - Roblox, RO-scale Railway! [V2.11.16] - Roblox

video of the issue: Physics bug thing - YouTube

I hope someone has more info on this :slight_smile:


Something else weird I noticed was that when holding certain objects, air movement does not work, allowing you to move at faster speeds than you should. For example, when holding a default sword with the arm angled a slight bit more to the right, holding w, d, and space allows you to jump forward at a faster speed than you should.


#help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support (I think)

Does this only happen when your character is seated in the train?

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there are no seats in the train; its a miniature train basicly

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Sadly the issue is becoming more persistant over the past days, i have seen cases where trains just teleport out of the tracks aswell. Again, i have not changed anything related to the chassis or gliders. I ahve tried fixing it aswell, with no success so far.

Issue shown in the gif below. This did not happen before, and the train would just glide along rather then bounce up and down.