Physics doesn't work

I have problem that part physics only works when character touches it. This part is local and i made that car drives into it and car is also local but part doesn’t move when touching by car. Part physics is enabling only when im touching it.

Can someone help?

is it possible for you to provide a video of this issue?

How does the car work
Does the car like fling

set the network ownership to the driver

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There’s a slight issue though with multiple players
The car should be serversided instead,
or the part should also be local

Oh i thought it was one player.

Wait, then set the network ownership of the part to the player not the car since the car is already owned by the player.

car is on server side but part is on local side

Touch the car but not the part and see what happens.

I found out what is the problem I’m just moving car only on local side and now im using alarmclock module

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